I've been ostracized from the Blogosphere
Hola, Iroda.
Hola, Kreess. Did you get your stitches removed yet?
Unfortunately, no. They want to wait until Monday. That makes two friggin' weeks. On a brighter note, I've since been allowed to sweat. So, I went to Griffith Park and took a short hike, then I went to Stoney Point and walked around it and took a short scramble over it, looking for some easy bouldering. There weren't too many boulderers there, so I wasn't able to find stuff that would work for me. There were a few beginning TRers there, but the phrase "can I borrow a belay, your harness, your shoes, your helment, and your chalk bag" wasn't quite able to be voiced. I'd only been there once before for a few minutes. Before, when I just walked around it, it looked moderately clean, but once you get up top it's another story: graffitti, garbage, and broken glass everywhere. It makes Griffith Park look positively pristine by comparison.
Well, I'm sure you had fun with the scrambling.
Yeah, but I'm still depressed. It's been 5 days since I sent lablogs.com an email requesting a link. I sent them another email two days ago. I check their site every few hours, but it still hasn't shown up. I believe I've been officially ostracized from the blogosphere.
Why am I not surprised?
I'm an L.A. blogger, many of my entries concern L.A. It makes sense for them to link to me.
But, from your first entry on, you were saying bad things about other L.A. bloggers. You were talking about how they were out to get you. You started in on this paranoid schizophrenic shit before they even knew you existed.
Look, Iroda, I'm like a Ouija board operator. I only write what the voices tell me to write. As it turns out, the voices were quite prophetic.
A self-fulfilling prophecy, if you ask me! You come off as this misanthropic, crusty, curmudgeonly, disrespectful asshole. You really can't blame them for not linking to you, can you? You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. You need to get a little nicer, fit in more. Become part of the blog community. Why can't you write nice stories about, say, cum-shooting dogs, or the bathroom habits of your cats? Plus, I'm beginning to think Anna Kournikova was right, you are a bit of a shtick-diebung gonuf arriviste.
Are you turning on me too, Iroda?
No, Kreess, I'm just trying to help you out.
But, it's difficult for me to change. I really want to be a valued member of the blogosphere, especially of the L.A. blogging community. But, I just can't be nicey-nice.
Well, Kreess, you need to change. Get some sandpaper, and smooth over those rough spots. Smile more!
Well, Iroda, I believe that there might be some truth in what you say. I hereby officially retract my earlier negative comments about other L.A. bloggers and about the blogosphere as a whole.
That's a start Kreess, but actions speak louder than words. Let me suggest that you back up your epiphanous declaration with banana cake.
Banana cake?
Yes, Kreess, banana cake. It's the universal symbol of goodwill. For the next meatspace meeting of the L.A. blogging community, bring a banana cake. As they're munching into that moist, springy luscious goodness, past hurtful comments will be forgotten, and new alliances will be formed. Pass out some of your business cards, make friends, get links. It's the blogger's way!
OK, Iroda, if you say so. I'll try it and see what happens. Ciao, and good luck in the tournament!
Ciao, Kreess.
dude (not verified)
Mon, 09/30/2002 - 09:38
hey man, im glad you are on lablogs now.