Barack Obama as you've never heard him before (NSFW)

For his audio book, president Barack Obama did a caricature of one of his friends from Hawaii, someone who had a habit of swearing, i.e., using cuss words, cussing, talking blue, etc. This video has some outtakes.

Note: NSFW.

UPDATE: The Safe for Work version is here. I might re-do the bleeps if that gets enough views.


Black power is like white power or yellow power or brown power its all just in fun. until some one gets all the power and the fun comes to a real fun stop; next stop camps for all the WMF. All you see is out of the play book of OUR Red Friends in Moscow/CHINA and you fools still don't see that fact and I say good. John make sure the boys in the 5th have all the food put away soon and call the boys in the 182 to see whats up with the BB Plan. obama called yesterday asking whats up with the 13 monkey plan!