Tweets to Spin Doctor

Spin Doctor's avatar
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Spin Doctor
Los Angeles
Reproductive law attorney, civil litigator, advocate for equal rights & reproductive freedom, grad of The U, avid Dolphin fan, father & husband.
Tweets to this user:
Greg Sargent's avatar
From @ThePlumLineGS
The whistleblower complaint involved Trump's communication w/a foreign leader -- some sort of "promise" Trump made,…
Spin Doctor's avatar
From @SpinDr
@ThePlumLineGS What did Trump receive in return for his promise?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SpinDr: what's ironic (or not) is: @ThePlumLineGS *helps* Putin. Putin wants to show U.S. system doesn't work. Putin wants more restrictions, esp on speech. Sargent is trying to limit speech ("Are Democrats ready for the coming disinformation tsunami?") He should work for RT.
Spin Doctor's avatar
From @SpinDr
Ann Coulter, like all good racists, reflexively assumes this student’s admission to 8 Ivy League schools was race b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SpinDr: a few years ago, #Harvard let in an illegal alien. Were there no more qualified American citizens who applied?