Angie Drobnic Holan of Politifact misleads about healthcare reform bill covering illegal aliens

Angie Drobnic Holan of Politifact offers "Joe Wilson of South Carolina said Obama lied, but he didn't" [1] about Obama's claim that illegal aliens wouldn't get benefits under Obama healthcare. It follows the stock Politfact template: admit that Obama's opponents might have a point, but then punt and side with Obama. See this for links to why they're misleading, and see also [2]:

PolitiFact ignores the central argument made by Wilson's camp: that the House bill does not require that the legal status of people who receive "affordability credits" be verified. (Democrats in committee voted down an amendment to require verification.) Here's the entirety of PolitiFact's discussion of this issue, in a fairly long piece about Wilson vs. Obama: "The bill specifically says that people in the United States illegally are not eligible for tax credits, on page 132, section 242." So what? The law "says" that people aren't supposed to be here illegally in the first place, after all.

[1] politifact · com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/sep/09/
[2] corner · nationalreview · com/post/?q=NzcyY2NmOGZhOWMyZjcwOTY0Zjc0YzhiMWE2MjcxMDI=


'So what? The law "says" that people aren't supposed to be here illegally in the first place, after all.' The comically obvious rejoinder. Answer THAT!

to above, this is not a country its a money maker for the third world rulers.