"American Thinker" edits comment on sad and delusional tea party screed (Thomas Lifson, Ed Lasky) (UPDATE: bans me too)
Glenn Reynolds linked (pajamasmedia. com/instapundit/90431) to "Why the 'Angry Mob' Is Angry" from the website "American Thinker" (americanthinker. com/2009/12/why_the_angry_mob_is_angry.html) so I went there to find out. It's a cri de coeur (from "Wendi Lynn G", rightmakesmight4all.blogspot.com) that's as hilarious as it as sad, and I left the following comment:
This post is both sad and incredibly hilarious. Wendy needs to learn that things don't always go her way, and that there are other people in the U.S. besides her. She might also need counseling.
Those among you who are smarter and have more self-control should simply pursue this plan.
The American Thinker posted the comment, but omitted the second paragraph. That's more than a bit ironic since the part of her screed that Reynolds excerpted is "Weโre justly and increasingly angry because our reps not only refuse to hear us, but they also chastise us for wanting to be heard."
The plan at the link is a way to be heard, yet for some reason American Thinker doesn't want their readers to know about it. Perhaps their goal is just to put on a show instead of trying to solve problems.
2/16/10 UPDATE: Simply editing my highly useful comment wasn't enough for the lil' fascists: I just tried to log in to their site for the first time since this post and my username wasn't recognized. I entered my email in an attempt to retrieve my password and the message said that my email address wasn't found in their system.
Also, shortly after I posted this, one of their volunteer moderators sent me a tearful email taking me to task for tarnishing the good names of Lifson and Lasky. I only check that email occasionally so I got it some time after this post, and I probably won't post it here since she appears to have issues. She stated that they don't allow links from just any blogs; this isn't a blog even if it uses blog software, and it's also been around longer than their site. They apparently allow people to put links to the MSM in their comments, meaning that they're helping those opposed to them while not helping those at least somewhat closer to their side. It's all part of the general loser profile.
If you run a blog and you link to American Thinker, drop your links to them: they don't think you're good enough to link to, so why link to them.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 12/24/2009 - 11:34
HS 20123 dawes57@cox.net 2009-12-24T13:34:29-06:00
soon under the BS Artist known as obama anyone standing up to his face will be put in prison and any group will be called delusional and put in prison. the only way out is be arms and a river of blood soon you will understand what this evil afircan really is.