ACHIEVE Act draft: GOP's version of anti-American DREAM Act immigration amnesty
Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller has obtained a draft of the "ACHIEVE Act", an immigration amnesty program for younger illegal aliens ( ). It's the GOP own anti-American version of the anti-American DREAM Act:
Essentially, the proposal involves several tiers: W-1 visa status would allow an immigrant to attend college or serve in the military (they have six years to get a degree). After doing so, they would be eligible to apply for a four-year nonimmigrant work visa (also can be used for graduate degrees.)
Next, applicants would be eligible to apply for a permanent visa (no welfare benefits.) Finally, after a set number of years, citizenship "could follow…"
Below are a few of the details being floated to be eligible for the W-1 visa:
- "Applicant must have lived in the U.S. for five year's prior to the Act's enactment";
- Must have entered the country before age 14
- Must have good moral character
- "Applicant must not have committed a felony, must not have committed more than one misdemeanor with a jail term of more than 30 days, must not have committed a crime of moral turpitude, and must not have a final order of removal pending"'
- Must have knowledge of the English language, U.S. history, "and of principles of U.S. government"
- Applicant must be 28 or younger at time of application (or 32 if they have a bachelor's degree from a U.S. college);
- Must pay a $525 fee
- Must submit to a medical exam and a background check, submit biometric and biographic data, and register with the Selective Service.
The smart, pro-American alternative for the GOP would be to show how the DREAM Act is bad and harms American citizens (see the link). The Democratic Party is extremely vulnerable on immigration, especially on the anti-American DREAMAct. Instead of correctly pointing out that the DA is anti-American and using it to discredit leading Democrats, the GOP validates the DA's anti-American concepts by coming up with their own alternative. What good is the GOP if the only difference between them and the Democrats is a few minor details in anti-American bills?
That doesn't mean that a smarter, pro-American GOP would just let younger illegal aliens stay here: a better alternative would be a repatriation program. Not only would that mean less competition for American students and workers, it would improve situations in countries like Mexico (which can't afford to lose any smart people).
And, of course, any "tough" provisions in any GOP amnesty would be whittled away before signing or after. In fact, I know the groups and people who'd lead the charge. Even AllahPundit can figure out what would happen, even if the brightest minds of the GOP leadership can't.
ADDED: Here's another description of the program from :
W-1 Status: Those with a W-1 nonimmigrant visa would attend school to earn a bachelor's, associate's, vocational/technical, or advanced degree, or serve in the U.S. military for 4 years, while here on a W-1 nonimmigrant visa. A W-1 visa holder would have 6 years to get a degree; individuals in school could work while earning the degree.
To be eligible:
Applicant must have lived in the United States for five years prior to the Act's enactment;
Applicant must have entered the country before the age of 14;
Applicant must have good moral character;
Applicant must not have committed a felony, must not have committed more than one misdemeanor with ajail term of more than 30 days, must not have committed a crime of moral turpitude, and must not have a final order of removal pending;
Applicant must have knowledge of the English language, of American history, and of principles of U.S. government;
Applicant must be 28 or younger at the time of application (unless applicant is under 32 and possesses a bachelor's degree from a U.S. college at the time of application);
Applicants pay a $525 application fee;
Applicants complete a medical exam, sign up for U.S. Selective Service, and submit biometric and biographic data as part of a background check.
To maintain W-1 visa status, visa holders:
Must check in every six months with DHS, and be compliant with program requirements;
Must not access public welfare benefits;
Must not access federal student loans, work study, or other benefits or services under the Higher Education Act;
Do not have access to a green card while here on the W-1 visa.
W-2 Status: After completing all W-1 education/military service requirements, a recipient can obtain a W-2 visa, which is a four-year nonimmigrant work visa (also allowed, study toward a master's degree or higher).
Criteria for obtaining W-2 status:
Recipient must have earned a bachelor's, associate's, or vocational/technical degree in the U.S. while here on the W-1 visa or have served four years in the U.S. Armed Forces;
Pay a $525 application fee;
Continue to meet W-1 criteria (no criminal record, check in with DHS, etc.).
W-3 Status: After completing four years of work while holding a W-2 visa, a recipient can then apply for a non-conditional (permanent) nonimmigrant (no special pathway to citizenship) visa.
Must have complied with all requirements/eligibility standards for W-1 and W-2 status;
No eligibility for public welfare benefits;
W-3 status renewable every four years;
No new green cards are added in the Act, but a W-3 visa recipient could take advantage of opportunities in current law to obtain one; for example, if a W-3 visa holder were to marry a U.S. citizen, that alien, already in W-3 status and now married to a U.S. citizen, would be eligible for a green card (legal permanent resident status). Citizenship could follow after the requisite number of years required in green card status (and processing usually takes around a year after that).