Wolf Blitzer's outrageous lie about self-deportation (CNN, immigration, attrition)
At last night's debate, Wolf Blitzer of CNN outrageously lied when he asked Mitt Romney this:
"Governor Romney, the few times and I think it was only once, that they experimented with self-deportation, only a handful of individuals voluntarily left. What makes you think that -- that program could work?"
The fact of the matter is that illegal aliens do self-deport and have been doing so for decades. See the link for the details. What Blitzer is referring to (unless he's just making all of it up) might be one government program or other (probably a designed-to-fail George W Bush program). However, that's not the same as the informal self-deportation process that Romney referred to earlier.
Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have self-deported just in the past few years; see the link above. Blitzer doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
See also: attrition for a description of the plan that Romney referenced earlier and deportations false choice for another way the establishment media has lied about the attrition/self-deport plan.