What David Chalian won't tell you about Villaraigosa (Yahoo News)
David Chalian - Yahoo News Washington Bureau Chief - offers "Is Antonio Villaraigosa poised to be America’s first Latino president?" (link).
Want to see what David Chalian won't tell you? Take a look at the Antonio Villaraigosa posts.
Chalian doesn't reveal that Villaraigosa is a former leader of a racial separatist group, nor does he reveal the many ways Tony Villar (his original name) has worked to enable illegal immigration. Instead, we get things like this:
It's easy to dismiss Villaraigosa's likelihood of capturing the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, much less the presidency, due to his rocky (and public) personal life, lack of a developed national fundraising base and occasional conflicts with portions of his political base.
If you think Villar's extremist past is more important than that, please take a moment and contact @DavidChalian with your thoughts.
8/29/12 UPDATE: Chalian was caught saying this on a live broadcast of the GOP Convention (referring to the GOP's reaction to Hurricane Isaac):
"They're not concerned at all. They're happy to have a party with black people drowning".
Yahoo News subsequently fired him.