Tweets to J.M. Turner

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J.M. Turner
Flying the World at Mach .83
Catholic ⛪️, Husband 🎩 Father, USAF Veteran 🇺🇸 MAGA, Pilot ✈️, Theologian 🎧 Author ✍ Pray for the salvation of souls! 🙏 Please visit my web page below...
Tweets to this user:
James Woods's avatar
From @RealJamesWoods
I’m not certain. Is it like “speed bumps” basically, wherein Apple or Twitter or both have programmed algorithms th…
J.M. Turner's avatar
From @jmturner_author
@RealJamesWoods @jlhb45 Entirely possible... I get shadowbanned all the time for sharing my theological books.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data - real data - shows #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. See my top tweet. If you can get a reporter to cover what Twitter is actually doing, they'd be in big trouble. MT @jmturner_author I get shadowbanned all the time for sharing my theological books