Tweets to younis zubchevich

younis zubchevich's avatar
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younis zubchevich
All American all the time! What's the big deal about a Blue Check?
Tweets to this user:
younis zubchevich's avatar
From @youzoob
The children the children the children does not include the unborn children @SpeakerPelosi
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@youzoob: a simple line of questioning would cast doubt among some Dems at whether those like Pelosi have the correct abortion stance. Can you direct me to con leaders coming up with that line of questioning or being willing to help challenge Pelosi on video?
younis zubchevich's avatar
From @youzoob
.@VanJones68 To the democrat party, "Get your sandbags ready. A wave is coming."
Mike's avatar
From @toneloque
@youzoob @VanJones68 I've never seen someone as hateful as this van guy on @CNN he acts like Hillary is God. It's so sick. Kind of creepy
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@micah_micahk: do something about it. Week after week, inform @VanJones68 fans that he can't think: #Trump2016