Tweets to Yamiche Alcindor

Yamiche Alcindor's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Yamiche Alcindor
Washington, DC
@PBS @NewsHour White House correspondent. @NBCNews & @MSNBC contributor. Formerly of @NYTimes & @USATODAY. Email:
Tweets to this user:
Hermit Social Club 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀's avatar
From @SpacewaysTravel
@Yamiche We should have been testing everyone weeks ago and supporting the health of every human being.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SpacewaysTravel: has @Yamiche been really pressing Trump officials on how many tests and when? Or, has she been obsessing over things that don't matter like "Kung Flu"? More people are going to die from #covid19 because people like you enable worthless dreck like her.
Yamiche Alcindor's avatar
From @Yamiche
NEW My latest: Immigration judges, prosecutors & advocates are urging the Trump administration to stop all in-perso…
Rachel Wilson 🍞🌹's avatar
From @11TimeZones
@Yamiche First: you are the best question-asker we have. Second: do we know if anyone in immigration has even been tested?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@11TimeZones: the U.S. desperately needs ventilators, masks, tests, etc. People are going to *die* without enough of those. Instead of demanding specific #s & dates, @Yamiche obsesses over what Trump officials call things, falling into a Trump trap. Corinthians 13:11 *now*.
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
.@Yamiche asks Trump about a WH official allegedly calling the virus the “kung flu.” Trump makes her say it again.…
Alex Humphrey's avatar
From @a_humphrey23
@maggieNYT @Yamiche and then her colleague says "switching gears to a larger question" as if @Yamiche 's was a tri…
wendyinneverland's avatar
From @wendyinneverla6
@maggieNYT @Yamiche He tweeted it this morning because he used it yesterday & @TuckerCarlson gave him props for it…
Shane Harding's avatar
From @ShaneHarding
@wendyinneverla6 @maggieNYT @Yamiche @TuckerCarlson If it causes controversy and deflects he will keep doing it. He…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Compared to masks/tests/beds/etc, it's submicroscopic. MT @a_humphrey23 and then her colleague says "switching gears to a larger question" as if @Yamiche 's [question to Trump about others calling #covid19 "Kung Flu"] was a trivial and invalid point
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ShaneHarding: as long as people enable @maggieNYT & @Yamiche "silly" clickbait, they'll keep doing it. Take the gloves off. Demand they really press Trump officials on how many masks by which date, etc. When they don't do that, help me destroy their careers.
Bob Martin's avatar
From @NordBob
@Yamiche @FinchelsteinF Bloomberg could lead an effort to create a fund for devastated wage workers and elderly. Te…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's OK, but only USG has the $ needed. What *you* can do right now is shame Yamiche into finally asking *tough* questions: "How many more ventilators & when?" MT @NordBob Bloomberg [etc] could lead an effort to create a fund for devastated wage workers and elderly..
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NordBob: when @Yamiche refuses to ask *tough* questions about *real* issues but persists in weak clickbait questions, help me destroy her career via SEO, undercutting her to colleagues & her fans, etc.
Yamiche Alcindor's avatar
From @Yamiche
Pres Trump changed his entire tone during today's WH briefing on coronavirus. He was somber. He said U.S. & world h…
Brent Erickson's avatar
From @BErickson_BIO
@Yamiche OK but let us not forget the Chinese government (like ambassadors) have been spreading crap about the so…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BErickson_BIO: @Yamiche only knows to play cheap partisan clickbait games. We need Trump officials to be pinned down on specific #s/dates for more beds/tests/ventilators. Demand she concentrates on that. When she won't, help me destroy her career as a message to the others.
Tom Colicchio's avatar
From @tomcolicchio
I get it, it’s Opposite Day at the White House.
Marjorie Freedman's avatar
From @mrfphd
@tomcolicchio why does anyone ever ask these types of questions? It's like asking, on a sunny day, if it's raining…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mrfphd: @Yamiche asks weak questions knowing those like @tomcolicchio will hype her clickbait. She gets clicks, he gets RTs, & Trump continues to skate. Help make the next month clickbait-free. Demand leaders ask Trump officials *tough, specific* questions. Or discredit them.
Diane’s Voice's avatar
From @dianesvoice
@RonaldKlain @RickPetree @Yamiche I hope Yamiche’s question opens the door to many more follow-ups on this subject.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dianesvoice: you should realize - after *4+years* - those like @RonaldKlain & @Yamiche aren't up to the job of holding Trump accountable. They only ask weak questions he can easily dance around. See my Steyer post. I'll pay people to ask Trump/his proxies *real* questions.
Ronald Klain's avatar
From @RonaldKlain
I’m glad ⁦@Yamiche⁩ pressed Trump today on disbanding the WH office to prepare us for pandemics. Here’s a piece fr…
csd's avatar
From @csd
@RonaldKlain @SRuhle @Yamiche Why didn't other WH reporters build off this, or ask her follow-up when Trump cut her…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You ask Jimmy Wichards to build a spaceship. Klain/Yamiche/etc - as reality makes clear - lack the smarts to hold Trump accountable. MT @csd [why no follow-ups?] MT @RonaldKlain I’m glad ⁦@Yamiche⁩ pressed Trump today on disbanding the WH office to prepare us for pandemics
Yamiche Alcindor's avatar
From @Yamiche
I just asked Senator Harris about her exchange with Senator Warren over shutting down Pres Trump’s Twitter account.…
MadKatsMum's avatar
From @madkatsmum
@Yamiche Love Harris but this is a loser imo.
Ignominious Spreadsheets's avatar
From @CarynLonz
@madkatsmum @Yamiche Yea, I’m okay with a robust debate re regulating social media companies in Congress. Not a fan…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @Yamiche I just asked Sen Harris about her exchange with Senator Warren over shutting down Pres Trump’s Twitter account. Warren said she wouldn’t back the idea and Harris told me it is critical to shut down Trump’s account and she urges “all” candidates to get behind that idea
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CarynLonz: Twitter admits to censoring 3 million people around the world. Even a few minutes would show that they heavily censor libs replying to Trump officials (not just cons). No lib reporter dares mention that (I've asked) because they support it to avoid dissent.
Yamiche Alcindor's avatar
From @Yamiche
It's been like 10 minutes and I am still thinking about Beto speaking Spanish and Cory Booker's face.
Venita Mathias's avatar
From @mathias_venita
@Yamiche In both languages he didn't answer the question. Why are Americans so impressed that someone can speak another language?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What a worthless parasite you are. Learn to be a real reporter & ask tough questions. And, no, what you think of as "tough" aren't. RT @Yamiche [from Jun 26, 2019] It's been like 10 minutes and I am still thinking about Beto speaking Spanish and Cory Booker's face.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mathias_venita: Trump won because those like @Yamiche never asked him or his proxies tough questions about the huge flaws in his policies. Help destroy their careers by discrediting them to their base to prevent Trump winning again.