Tweets to Pamela Ross

Pamela Ross's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Pamela Ross
Long Island
Author, Proofreader, SCBWI -and- Springsteen Groupie. English major, Law School Grad. Born to Write. “I got this keyboard and I learned how to make it talk.”
Tweets to this user:
Ken Jennings's avatar
From @KenJennings
Two more hours until His Majesty "King" Obama comes to your house and REPLACES YOUR GUNS WITH MEXICANS
Pamela Ross's avatar
From @WriterRoss
@KenJennings It's not fair how brilliant -and- funny you are. ;)
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WriterRoss: Ken Jennings is turning his back on struggling American workers who'll face huge new competition due to Obama's amnesty. #ows