Tweets to Gary Lee

Gary Lee's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Gary Lee
Oakland, CA
Tweets to this user:
Ferial Govashiri's avatar
From @FerialGovashiri
So proud of your story @whoisgarylee!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FerialGovashiri: hi Ferial, then-Sen Obama marched for illegal #immigration in Chicago in 2005. The march was organized by groups including Mex. political parties. Did he know that & ignore it, or didn't he know that? Maybe you should be patriotic to USA, not just to Obama.
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
1. I’ve never tweeted before but today felt like a good day to start.
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
2. President Trump made a lot of upsetting remarks this week including this one. “Where are you from?” is a questio…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
3. This struck a chord with me not only bc I’m Korean-American, but also bc I worked at the White House, for Presid…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
4. On my last day, I went into the Oval Office and POTUS greeted me by saying, "안녕하세요". Hello, in Korean. I’m lucky…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
5. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to work in public service. It was a lifelong dream to be in government.…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
6. In early 2007, my senior year of college, I mailed my resume and a cover letter in a manila envelope to the Obam…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
7. She gave my letter to her boss, who then called and asked if I wanted to move to Chicago to work on the campaign…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
8. After my departure photo with POTUS, I left the Oval Office in a daze and ran into @kalpenn in the West Wing lob…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
9. He replied, "think about what you just said. How incredible that is. On your last day of work at the White House…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
10. My parents could never have fathomed such an idea. My mom came to the US when she was 18, my father when he was…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
11. They made incalculable sacrifices so their sons could have the opportunities they never had. They sacrificed so…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
12. In what other country is that even possible? In what other country are you allowed to dream, and despite all od…
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
13. What a beautiful, incredible nation of immigrants we are.
Gary Lee's avatar
From @whoisgarylee
14. Happy Korean-American Day and MLK weekend. As Dr. King said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light ca…
Ki Hong Lee's avatar
From @kihonglee
@whoisgarylee Thk u for sharing ur story. (good tears)
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kihonglee: @whoisgarylee is selling the Obama cult in the same way Dilbert sells the Trump cult. Personality cults are antithetical to the American ideal. For just one small example, they prevent adherents from admitting how their idols have lied (as Trump & Obama have).