Tweets to Vicky Moore

Vicky Moore's avatar
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Vicky Moore
Los Angeles, CA
Morning news anchor and story teller. Views and opinions are my own. RTs are not endorsements.
Tweets to this user:
Vicky Moore's avatar
From @VickyMooreNews
#Pogo sticks instead of e-scooters?? A Swedish company says yes and they could land in San Francisco and Los Ange…
scott burt's avatar
From @scottburtknx
@VickyMooreNews @KNX1070 Gives new meaning to the term "I gotta bounce"
Vicky Moore's avatar
From @VickyMooreNews
@scottburtknx @KNX1070 Nice! Lol
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@VickyMooreNews: hey Vicky, in one of their recent tweets @KNX1070 says the DREAM Act would "place millions of immigrants on path to citizenship". No one eligible for the DA is an "immigrant". That's a very significant distinction but they aren't honest enough to make it.