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Jesse James Wilson's avatar
From @jjwills2
RT @MarkYoungTruth: And where are the @Twitter police when this happens? Tell us twitter why is censorship only for conservatives? Why do y…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It isn't: they censor about as many libs as cons. Eg, 30% to 60% of the replies - most from libs - to Scott Pruitt are censored. Oppose that & you can help stop $TWTR censorship. MT @jjwills2 MT @MarkYoungTruth: ...Tell us twitter why is censorship only for conservatives?...
Brian ⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @BKCloud1
RT @BKCloud1: Another example of @Twitter censoring conservatives. @jack I used the #ImmigrantChildren tag to see where this tweet would en…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Maybe you should have left out "sh--hole". MT @BKCloud1 Another example of Twitter censoring conservatives. I [tweeted using] #ImmigrantChildren [didn't find the tweet in searches] Nothing but liberal tweets. Liberal tweets show up with little or no activity.
Very Proud Patriot's avatar
From @birdie1162
RT @sb65: @RealJamesWoods @Twitter Amazing the censorship at Twitter that goes on under @jack ‘s watch. The hate that he has for conservat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data (start at my top tweet) shows Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. Is that because Jack hates liberals too? MT @birdie1162 MT @sb65: @RealJamesWoods Amazing the censorship at Twitter that goes on under Jack's watch. The hate that he has for conservatives...
KIMS TrumpTrain's avatar
From @KimberlyMAGA25
RT @luvleebutterfly: This law suit is a bigger deal than people think! @Twitter has been using censorship to silence Conservative voices, p…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data (see my top tweet) shows Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. Do you stand with libs who are censored by Twitter, or is that a good kind of censorship? MT @KimberlyMAGA25 RT @luvleebutterfly: ...#Twitter has been using censorship to silence Conservative voices
Cowntess Curmudgenne's avatar
From @_MoCowBell_
RT @_thymes: 1/ THREAD: Not seeing much talk about this but many questions as to @Twitter's new #Shadowban methods. I've found an egregiou…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@_MoCowBell_: see the app linked from my top tweet for an app that surfs Twitter using a real web browser & shows which tweets were censored by Twitter. You & @_thymes might not like the results: #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. #MAGA #resist
Roger Smith's avatar
From @rogerlsmith
so, realizing about half my tweets last night, @twitter never actually posted. #censorship #twitter is as bad as #facebook
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Do you have any proof of that? If you want to stop their censorship, find a reporter to cover my top tweet. That will put Twitter in a world of hurt. MT @rogerlsmith [#twitter never actually posted] about half my tweets last night
Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis's avatar
From @KendraWrites
RT @thegarance: .@Twitter needs to appoint or hire someone to be an accessible point person for all journalists dealing with this kind of c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Who's the "accessible point person" for those doxed by those Garance thinks are journalists? MT @KendraWrites RT @thegarance: .@Twitter needs to appoint or hire someone to be an accessible point person for all journalists [being helped by #AltRight yahoos in re AmyMek]
MurqusM فلسطين 🇵🇸 Palestine's avatar
From @MurqusMark
.@twitter Bring back @mlkstudios_
Barbara McKenzie's avatar
From @BarbaraMcK42
@MurqusMark @Twitter @MLKstudios_ @twitter is worse than Facebook for censorship
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
FYI, Twitter censors ~20% to 50% of the replies to Trump officials like Scott Pruitt, Mnuchin, & Ajit Pai. Use the app linked from my top tweet to see how they censor replies to Kiwi politicians. MT @BarbaraMcK42 @MurqusMark @MLKstudios_ Twitter is worse than FB for censorship
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
THREAD!! #ShadowBanning
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
So, are you perpetual at twitter trolling OR you are a "saint" on the timeline?
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
Have you heard about this new shadow banning strategy by @Twitter to limit particular users’ viewership?
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
How often do you tag people (who don't follow you) in your content to tap into new viewership? Do those people inte…
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
As an online influencer, do you think #ShadowBanning may affect your reach and influence?
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
"Detract from the conversation?", what do you think twitter meant by this?
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
Have you heard or seen this "more replies" button on your timeline off a thread and wondered what it meant?
Kahill Insights's avatar
From @Kahillinsights
For more insights on twitter's shadow banning strategy,
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kahillinsights: I wrote an open source app that exposes how #Twitter is heavily censoring large numbers of their users. Eg, ~30% to 60% of the replies to Scott Pruitt are censored. How about helping expose how heavily they censor replies to non-U.S. politicians.
Ronna McDaniel's avatar
From @GOPChairwoman
Facebook and Twitter may operate in liberal corporate cultures, but rampant political bias is inappropriate for a w…
🌑neManRockBand®'s avatar
From @OneManRockr
@GOPChairwoman Yes. Lets cut out shadowbans .@Twitter Are you so FUCKING WEAK you can’t argue against truth? #Trump #MAGA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@OneManRockr: my data - real data, not anecdata - shows #Twitter censors about 1/2 the replies to @GOPChairwoman & the vast majority are from liberals. They shadowban libs on her tweets falsely claiming mostly cons are affected. Ignorance, shrinking the tent *helps* Twitter.
