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Cowboy Moody's avatar
From @USAlovesTrumpz
RT @ronaldauman: @parscale @realDonaldTrump @GOPChairwoman @facebook @Twitter @jack Here's why twitter might stop their crap
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@USAlovesTrumpz @ronaldauman: on the @GOPChairwoman thread where she complains about #Twitter censoring cons, about 40% of the replies (most from liberals) are censored. She has no idea what Twitter actually does & she's *helping* them by shrinking the tent. #MAGA #resist
#MAGA Meuski Meuvanov's avatar
From @MrSteveRangel
RT @ReasnerCory: Should @Twitter stop shadow banning Trump Supporters? #MAGA #KAG #ShadowBanned #Censorship #TwitterPoll @realDonaldTrump @…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data shows #Twitter shadowbans about as many libs as cons. Unless you only oppose censorship when those who agree with you are censored, help with a big tent opposition. MT @MrSteveRangel MT @ReasnerCory: Should Twitter stop shadow banning Trump Supporters?
Frankey sez * "Hello Somebody"'s avatar
From @fpturner
"Behaving Badly" is in the eye.... of who... @twitter is beholden to. Twitter Is Going To Limit The Visibility Of…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@fpturner: #Twitter heavily censors liberals replying to Ajit Pai, Mnuchin, Scott Pruitt, Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, etc. etc. Use that to help destroy @kantrowitz 's career. He's ignorant of what Twitter does & he supports censoring #TheResistance. #BuzzFeed
Arielle Pardes's avatar
From @pardesoteric
Like other companies in Silicon Valley, @Twitter is trying to create some version of "wellness" on its platform. A…
Rachel Metz's avatar
From @rachelmetz
@pardesoteric @Twitter Lol, what will I do then??
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rachelmetz: the "wellness" @pardesoteric refers to results in #Twitter heavily censoring pro-Net Neutrality replies to Ajit Pai & similar. She's either completely ignorant of how heavily Twitter censors all types of users, or she's pro-censorship at a DDR level. Which is it?
Alice Stollmeyer's avatar
From @StollmeyerEU
From this week, @Twitter is going to limit the visibility of tweets when it sees abusive & system-gaming behavior.…
Keli 🌊🌊🌊's avatar
From @Kelisia
@StollmeyerEU @Twitter @Kantrowitz So, what exactly determines a "bad actor" ? People need to know what's not allo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kelisia @calamityted: my research (see my top tweet) shows #Twitter *heavily* censors replies to Ajit Pai, Scott Pruitt, Mnuchin, & dozens more. @StollmeyerEU ended up on the wrong side of the wall.
⚡️Love🇺🇸America⚡️'s avatar
CONSERVATIVES - RETWEET! .@Twitter Please Restore @LMDMancini’s Account. This Is An Unfair Attack. I Challenge Y…
Robert P Smith's avatar
From @TruckerBobS
@POLITICSandFUN @Twitter @LMDMancini This is the third account that show I’m blocked today. @twitter is keeping con…
Mike D's avatar
From @pupbroofdog
@TruckerBobS @POLITICSandFUN @Twitter @LMDMancini It's showing me suspended
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pupbroofdog: FYI, @truckerbobs blocked me for seeking his help against Soros: You do the math.
Will Mitchell's avatar
From @StartupBros
Account locked due to liking a @kanyewest tweet - @Twitter is a platform rebuilt around censorship
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If you want to fight #Twitter censorship, you have to oppose censorship of *all*. Otherwise you're just upset you aren't doing the censoring. If you really oppose censorship, then get ppl to use the app in my pinned tweet. MT @StartupBros Account locked due to liking a tweet
Nick Short 🇺🇸's avatar
From @PoliticalShort
DOJ inspector general is now conducting an investigation into classification issues related to the Comey memos. At…
NameRedacted7's avatar
From @NameRedacted7
@PoliticalShort I tried to like your tweet but @twitter told me 'it looked like automated activity'. I guess twitte…
Nick Short 🇺🇸's avatar
From @PoliticalShort
@NameRedacted7 @Twitter interesting. don't think i've ever heard of that one before from twitter?
NameRedacted7's avatar
From @NameRedacted7
@PoliticalShort @Twitter Another form of @twitter censorship? Maybe @TwitterSupport or @TwitterSafety can correct t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NameRedacted7: #Twitter censorship continues because cons divide the opposition, contrafactually make it all about them. As shown by the app in my top tweet, all types of users get shadowbanned. Do you oppose censorship, or just of those in your circle?
Noni ✝️ God, Family & Country 🇺🇸 #Trump2020 #KAG's avatar
From @ChelRBR
RT @joyreaper: PITIFUL DISPLAY OF LEFTIST CENSORSHIP BY #Twitter. @Twitter how is this fair? Twitter Blocks Girl with Down Syndrome for Pos…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
They censor all types of users, incl libs. Making it just a con think marginalizes the opposition. To stop it, use the checker in my pinned tweet. Post the reports, shame MSM into covering them. MT @ChelRBR MT @joyreaper: PITIFUL DISPLAY OF LEFTIST CENSORSHIP BY #Twitter
⚜️Penny De La Fuente⭐⭐⭐⚜️'s avatar
From @penny_fuente
RT @LisaSmith4680: Shadowban Day 6+ @Twitter @TwitterSupport @jack @PVeritas_Action @JamesOKeefeIII Conservative Censorship is OBVIOUS.…
