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GlenHarp's avatar
From @GlenHarp1
RT @Sapient6000: .@jack @delbius @biz @vijaya @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety So, my account is set for 'reply deboosting', but t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I've located the source of your problem. Just like Trump you want "speech for me but not for thee". MT @GlenHarp1 MT @Sapient6000 [to Twitter hacks] So, my account is set for 'reply deboosting', but the #NeoFascistinChief, who should have been banned from your platform is not?!
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
Hey, @jack @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSeattle for days I watch your site screw…
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
making my old mutual follows think I unfollowed them and new followers think they follow me. I will renew my subscr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SansMerci86: Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users & U.S. libs/cons are a very small part of their users (80% of which are outside U.S.) If you find a reporter to cover the data at my pinned tweet, you'll undercut both Twitter and Trump.
Sean Edgett's avatar
From @edgett
All in favor of this @Twitter?
Emily Lanfear's avatar
From @elanfear
@edgett @Twitter PLEEEEAASSSE. I think you can make this happen?
Sean Edgett's avatar
From @edgett
@elanfear @Twitter
Vijaya Gadde's avatar
From @vijaya
@edgett @elanfear @Twitter Given the animals we had at the office for bring your kid to work day, this feels doable!
Sean Edgett's avatar
From @edgett
@vijaya @elanfear @Twitter Yes! Let’s do this!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@edgett: as you know, #Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users: any non-verified could wind up tweeting to nobody. We're talking 200+ million users. I'd like you to imagine the nightmare scenario where CNN etc really pushes hard on that. How would your portfolio do?
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
Hey @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @Vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety please explain how this is even pos…
Stewart Torbaydos 🌊's avatar
From @STorbaydos
@SansMerci86 @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety So pleased for you Bella
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
@STorbaydos @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety What are you talking about?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SansMerci86: one of the easiest ways to undercut Trump/Parscale to their base is to point out *to MAGA* that they're lying about who Twitter censors. See "Parscale is wrong about Twitter censorship" on Youtube, then help find an MSM reporter to cover that.
John Binder 👽's avatar
From @JxhnBinder
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza tells me she is “disgusted and disappointed” that Twitter suspended her for merely posti…
Verb8im's avatar
From @Verb8im2
@JxhnBinder @Twitter, what the actual hell? Try telling us you're not censoring NOW. What else would you call thi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Verb8im2: Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users, see my pinned tweet for real data. Those like @JxhnBinder who lie about them only censoring cons *help* Twitter by shrinking the possible opposition to their censorship.
Prerna Lal's avatar
From @prernaplal
White people, why is my poor rescue dog better behaved than your children?!
Fatgreek AIM Trader's avatar
From @FatgreekTrader
@prernaplal @twitter shouldn’t this account be blocked for racism?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FatgreekTrader tries to get @prernaplal "blocked for racism", just like an SJW. It's always been extremely easy to show DREAM Act supporters wrong to their base. Direct me to con leaders ever trying that. Remember I said "to their base".
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
New: Distorted videos of @SpeakerPelosi, subtly altered to make her sound slurring and warped, are spreading on soc…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@SpeakerPelosi Expect lots more of these in the run-up to 2020. Spreaders of misinformation don’t need sophisticate…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
"It is striking that such a simple manipulation can be so effective and believable," one forensic expert said. "Thi…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Update: Guy who runs YouTube channel with conspiratorial videos of Pelosi "health problems" asked why "not a single…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Update: YouTube pulled the videos after we sent them links and said they were never that prominent on the site. No…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
People have started calling these kinds of altered videos "shallowfakes": They're made with simple video editing, a…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Update: @Twitter has declined to comment. @facebook u up?
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
The great @BlairGuild and @ElyseSamuels put together a helpful side-by-side of the real Pelosi video and the fake:
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Update: Facebook says the video "has been enqueued to third-party fact-checkers for review but as of 4pm PT, no fac…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
So, yeah. An altered, misleading video about the woman who's third in line for the presidency will remain available…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
This video is different from the slowed and distorted "drunk" one, but it serves the same purpose, by attempting to…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Here's the full 21-minute video of Pelosi today, which Trump just posted a 30-second supercut from:
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
.@yashar says the president's attorney @RudyGiuliani tweeted the slowed, distorted Pelosi video:…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@yashar @RudyGiuliani We are through the looking glass, people. 1. A distorted video of Pelosi, slowed to sound "…
Jason Kint's avatar
From @jason_kint
@drewharwell @yashar @RudyGiuliani Happening in U.K. also as I pointed out last week.
Maryann 😱100 Seconds😱 Rose's avatar
From @rosebudflorida
@drewharwell @tommyHotpockets @yashar @RudyGiuliani Posting videos like this in defense of a man who IN REALITY can…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rosebudflorida: remember how those like John Poindexter took advantage of 9/11 to push us closer to a surveillance state? @drewharwell is taking advantage of *a fake Pelosi vid* to push censorship & to box out the MSM's competition. He's also serving Putin's interests.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Fake videos are horrible. But, you know what's worse? Lil' Honeckers like you trying to take advantage of the odd fake video to push massive censorship. MT @jason_kint [of @DCNorg] [fake videos are] Happening in U.K. also as I pointed out last week.
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@yashar @RudyGiuliani Text from @RudyGiuliani on why he tweeted/deleted distorted Pelosi video: "Thought I delete r…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@yashar @RudyGiuliani One discomforting thing: A hugely distorted video, or a heavily edited one as shared by Trump…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@yashar @RudyGiuliani The distorted Pelosi video on Politics WatchDog's Facebook page is up to 2.4M views; it was 1…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
@yashar @RudyGiuliani Some concerning speech patterns from the president's attorney:
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
The president's attorney calls it a "caricature exaggerating her already halting speech pattern." No - it's a disto…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
New: Facebook now acknowledges that distorted Pelosi video was faked, but declines to delete it. "We don’t have a p…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
You can still comment, like, share and watch the distorted video of America's highest-ranking elected woman on Face…
Drew Harwell's avatar
From @drewharwell
Facebook executive: "We're not in the news business. We’re in the social media business"
mandy's snitty's avatar
From @mandyinSeaLA
@drewharwell That's their standby excuse to accept no accountability or responsibility
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mandyinSeaLA: there are lots & lots of things Trump calls fake that he'd censor just like @drewharwell wants to. If Harwell & Trump had their way, we'd have book burnings (real or virtual). Fox or WaPo would be reduced to just the pictures. Be a real liberal.
🤐Unrepentantly Difficult Woman🏁's avatar
From @Lauralols
RT @edencyclingbore: hey @delbius i understand @twitter is suspending intersex people like me when we challenge the trans community using u…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Cons don't really oppose censorship, they just want to be the censors. They help Twitter censorship via solipsism. Learn from that. MT @Lauralols RT @edencyclingbore: hey @delbius i understand twitter suspends intersex people when we challenge the trans community..
Rich Hannigan's avatar
From @RichardVeii
Dear @Twitter Please bring back @RealJamesWoods. He has been punished long enough for breaking your so-called rule…
ᴀᴀʀᴏɴᴊʜɪʟʟ🧢's avatar
From @aaronjhill
@RichardVeii @JayneMachacek @Twitter @RealJamesWoods He has been suspended again?! For what? @jack @vijaya…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@aaronjhill @RichardVeii @JayneMachacek: cons consistently help Twitter censorship by falsely pretending only cons are impacted. If cons cared about someone other than those who march in lockstep with them, Twitter would be in a world of hurt & fewer cons would be censored.
Ben Gadwin's avatar
From @sovereignfamily
My account has been banned from buying ads on @Twitter. I mainly write about building healthy families, how to ra…
JamesonLaw's avatar
From @JamesonHalpern
@sovereignfamily @Twitter @Timcast @jack @vijaya @joerogan I suspect someone anti family complained about your pron…
Ben Gadwin's avatar
From @sovereignfamily
@JamesonHalpern @Twitter @Timcast @jack @vijaya @joerogan Did you see the thread? They told me not even what I did wrong.
JamesonLaw's avatar
From @JamesonHalpern
@sovereignfamily @Twitter @Timcast @jack @vijaya @joerogan pls write them and ask for a copy of whatever comment of…
Ben Gadwin's avatar
From @sovereignfamily
@JamesonHalpern @Twitter @Timcast @jack @vijaya @joerogan I did exactly that. Twice. Read the mail.
JamesonLaw's avatar
From @JamesonHalpern
@sovereignfamily @Twitter @Timcast @jack @vijaya @joerogan Okay, well, Twitter is not being at all fair in refusing…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JamesonHalpern: how cons pretend to oppose Twitter censorship doesn't work: they keep getting banned. Are you sane enough to try smart ideas? Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users. If cons opposed censorship *of everyone* they'd help themselves & everyone else.
