Tweets to Ameripundit ❌

Ameripundit ❌'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ameripundit ❌
New Jersey, USA
Day 1 MAGA. America 1st Patriot. Christian. Paul Revere of the QFD 'X' revolt. My ancestors fought a Revolution so you wouldn't have to.
Tweets to this user:
Ameripundit ❌'s avatar
From @RealThomasPine
RT @RealThomasPine: Twitter Censorship for dummies: The Twitter IT engineers have simply thwarted the shadowban eu QFD test. Don't be fool…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ruh roh. My censorship checker continues to work (as long as your replies are visible). Plus it shows just how heavily #Twitter censors all kinds of users (not just cons). MT @RealThomasPine Twitter IT engineers have simply thwarted the shadowban eu QFD test