Tweets to Tom Papatolis

Tom Papatolis's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Tom Papatolis
Düsseldorf, Germany
Full-Stack Developer • Journalist • Greek 🇬🇷 Blogger
Tweets to this user:
Twitter Public Policy's avatar
From @Policy
We want to help you access credible information, especially when it comes to public health. We’ve adjusted our sea…
Tom Papatolis's avatar
From @tpapatolis
@Policy Love #censorship. Time to close my account with 20,000 followers
Deb Carr's avatar
From @SydneyChicBlog
@Policy So Twitter dictates what we read now?
David Vuorio's avatar
From @david_vuorio
@Policy This line of reasoning should be used with care. What stops "authoritative health sources" from becoming "a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tpapatolis: better yet, help expose how heavily Twitter censors *all* kinds of users. See the open source app at my pinned tweet & the worrisome reports.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Blame cons. They've falsely pretended Twitter only censors cons, thus marginalizing the opposition. Twitter would be in big trouble if more knew what they really do, see my pinned tweet. RT @SydneyChicBlog So Twitter dictates what we read now?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@david_vuorio: Twitter already does that by elevating blue check marks. And, by heavily censoring replies to leaders like Rouhani & Medvedev (see my pinned tweet).