Tweets to Josh Mogerman

Josh Mogerman's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Josh Mogerman
Chicago / STL
@NRDC National Media Director. Clean Energy, Critters, Sustainability--you name it; I'm on it. Tweets are my own; not official-like.
Tweets to this user:
Emily Holden's avatar
From @emilyhholden
Interior just now was getting follow-up questions about how exactly it will consider #climate threats to species as…
Emily Holden's avatar
From @emilyhholden
The key issue here is how federal agencies consider the "foreseeable future" when they make these decisions. They a…
Emily Holden's avatar
From @emilyhholden
Call ends with "there are no further questions." That is DEFINITELY not true. I was one of I'm sure many reporters…
Emily Holden's avatar
From @emilyhholden
Here's one of the questions I wanted to ask: Can you please explain in detail how any one of these changes will hel…
Josh Mogerman's avatar
From @JoshatNRDC
@emilyhholden they can't...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You lack the smarts & life experience to ask them actually tough questions. MT @emilyhholden [govt ended call about Endangered Species Act before she could ask her big question: " any one of these changes will help the government to better protect a specific species?"]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JoshatNRDC: assuming you're genuine, those like @emilyhholden are part of the problem. They lack life experience to deal w/ Trump types; they lack smarts to think ahead. Ask a scrappy lawyer to come up with *real* questions, then ask Trump officials them on video for Youtube.