Tweets to Tamar Auber

Tamar Auber's avatar
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Tamar Auber
New York, NY
Writer | Editor | Coder My 🐶 is awesome. All opinions mine.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
At #Mediaite - which banned me after I was brigaded for repeatedly showing them wrong - @tamarauber blogs "Russian State TV is Reportedly Airing Sean Hannity Clips Bashing Mueller Report". Apparently that's been reported by the few U.S. residents with access to sat dishes.
Tamar Auber's avatar
From @tamarauber
Just leaving this right here...According to Google Translate "Kimim" is Turkish for "Who am I."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hilarious! Say, did Rudy want a national ID card? Has he "arkadash"'ed around with Rockefeller's CFR? Are both toxic to MAGA? MT @tamarauber Just leaving this right here...According to Google Translate "Kimim" is Turkish for "Who am I." [Giuliani inadvertent tweet used it]