Tweets to #ClearFlynnNow

#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
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Freedom, USA
#MAGA Conservative. Exposing government corruption on both sides. Never Forget #Sept11 #Benghazi #IRSScandal #VAScandal #FastAndFurious #FISAAbuse #Spygate
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#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
From @SweetFreedom29
RT @thebradfordfile: Border wall funding is a fight worth having--and Trump knows it. Decades of congressional Kabuki theater and empty pla…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SweetFreedom29: @thebradfordfile says "Border wall funding is a fight worth having". What sort of fight is there going to be to do maintenance on the "wall", esp when Trump's out of office? Look ahead, think that through, put USA first, & you'll realize Trump's "wall" is fake.
#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
From @SweetFreedom29
Hillary: “We Are Going To Start Immediately” On Amnesty… #tcot #SecureOurBorders #NoAmnesty
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SweetFreedom29: Trump has huge opp to undercut Hillary to her base by pointing out to them how amnesty will harm them. When'll he do that?
#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
From @SweetFreedom29
RT @RealDoctorWhite: The problem with a 'melting pot' society is that eventually it boils over and makes a huge mess @AnnCoulter https://t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SweetFreedom29 @RealDoctorWhite: Coulter could do smart things to help stop amnesty, yet she refuses. Demand more rather than being fanboy
#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
From @SweetFreedom29
Exclusive — Jeff Sessions: Time To Hit Brakes On ‘Radical’ Pace Of Immigration #tcot
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SweetFreedom29: is Obama or anyone with the power to change things listening to what Jeff Sessions wants? Do they do what he says?
#ClearFlynnNow's avatar
From @SweetFreedom29
RT @ElectionLawCtr: Why are some Republicans spending big $$$ to attack other Republicans opposed to #Obama's #amnesty? #immigration #GOP h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SweetFreedom29 @ElectionLawCtr: considering all the millions given to #Teaparty groups, NumbersUSA, etc. shouldn't amnesty have been over?