Tweets to Anne Green 🍀

Anne Green 🍀's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Anne Green 🍀
United States
Catholic (aka Easter worshipper), prolife, conservative, Trumpkin. Love God, His Creation (except snakes, progressives), books, art, poetry, film, humor.
Tweets to this user:'s avatar
From @townhallcom
Can't say we're surprised.
Anne Green 🍀's avatar
From @StellaMaris0011
@townhallcom Let me count the ways...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@StellaMaris0011: I posted about Biden's 2006 comments in 2006 (scroll back my feed). Ideally, we could use Biden's/Sander's comments to make all pols better on the issue. @eb454 & @townhallcom lack the smarts & patriotism to help: they only know to play cheap partisan games.
Beth Baumann's avatar
From @eb454
@24AheadDotCom_ @StellaMaris0011 @townhallcom I'm not trying to play partisan games. I've been an outspoken propone…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@eb454 replies "I'm not trying to play partisan games. I've been an outspoken proponent of securing our border for YEARS. Biden [has a forked tongue]. He can't champion one thing while in office and then be against it because Trump is trying to implement the changes."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@eb454: Trump isn't trying to reduce illegal immigration, he's just putting on a show. E.g., he's not going after employers (you seen any Tyson Foods execs being perp walked?) Patriotic suggestion: you & @StellaMaris0011 urge Trump *and* Biden to take action against employers.