Tweets to Simon Rademan

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Simon Rademan
South Africa
Welcome to the official twitter account for Simon Rademan™© Simon™© Fashion & Bridal Couture Designer, Author, Influencer @TheStyleBible
Tweets to this user:
Michael Smerconish's avatar
From @smerconish
Coming to DC CIty Winery Monday June 3rd – use pre-sale code “Potus” for American Life in Columns Tour: VIP tix:…
Simon Rademan's avatar
From @simonrademan
@smerconish you fly me over in a 747 and I am there! Lol
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@simonrademan: hey Simon, if you look back you'll see Dilbert pushing Trump was one of Trump's turning points. @smerconish had Dilbert on & didn't call him on his "12d chess" BS but just fluffed him. Mike is useless at holding Trump & his accomplices accountable.