Tweets to Sierra Club CA

Sierra Club CA's avatar
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Sierra Club CA
At the intersection of environmental policy and politics in California. The environment's bold advocate at the State Capitol.
Tweets to this user:
Skip Pile's avatar
From @skip_sf
When people think it's appropriate to threaten a lawsuit against a homeless shelter using laws meant to protect the…
Sonja Trauss's avatar
From @SonjaTrauss
@skip_sf Cc @SierraClubCA is this what CEQA is for?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SonjaTrauss @skip_sf: FYI, @SierraClubCA & #SierraClub adopted an anti-environment policy they'd previously opposed because doing so was in their financial interest. Don't just take the LAT's word: ask SC about it & demand answers.
Glen Buhlmann: Hole in the Sky Where Tree Once Was's avatar
From @GlenBikes
See also: #Seattle
Randy Shaw's avatar
From @beyondchron
@GlenBikes I heard from a lot of Seattle folks about self-identified enviros who oppose infill housing. In my new b…
Glen Buhlmann: Hole in the Sky Where Tree Once Was's avatar
From @GlenBikes
@beyondchron @SierraClubSEA @ForterraNW @SEAneighbors @seattle4every1 @Sightline Don’t forget @SierraClubCA who fight dense housing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GlenBikes: @SierraClubSEA, @SierraClubCA, etc. used to oppose mass #immigration. That was before a billionaire showed up & changed their minds. They're as venal & corrupt as Trump.
Glen Buhlmann: Hole in the Sky Where Tree Once Was's avatar
From @GlenBikes
@24AheadDotCom_ @SierraClubSEA @SierraClubCA So Gelman helped fight off an overtake effort by people who wanted Sie…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GlenBikes: this happened a decade before Trump's run & has 0 to do with Trump. If you spent 10 seconds reading my feed you might see I really dislike Trump. This is about the best policies. @SierraClubSEA, @SierraClubCA, etc side w/ USChamber & Koch against workers.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GlenBikes: at the end of the day, there's no significant difference between the #immigration stance of U.S. Chamber, the #Koch bros, Tyson Foods, etc & @SierraClubSEA, @SierraClubCA, etc. Would you publicly side w/ the Koch bros? Why do Koch etc want mass immigration?