Tweets to Seven Rodham Bokkie

Seven Rodham Bokkie's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Seven Rodham Bokkie
| Advocate | Artist | Linguist | Writer | Resistance Warrior | Lesbian | Jew | Intersectional Feminist | Autistic | Amplifier of Resistance Voices | #metoo
Tweets to this user:
This Machine Kills Mayonnaise Misogynoir's avatar
From @Bravewriting
RT @SevenLiefde: @Bravewriting I just got out of Twitter jail for telling Sarah Palin to get Alyssa Milano’s name our of her ‘wh•re m•uth’.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Who's Sarah Palin & what was gained? If you explained to MAGA how Congress would tear down Trump's "wall", then you might have something. MT @SevenLiefde: @Bravewriting I just got out of Twitter jail for telling Sarah Palin to get Alyssa Milano’s name our of her ‘wh•re m•uth’