Tweets to Alice Thru The LookingGlass

Alice Thru The LookingGlass's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Alice Thru The LookingGlass
Midwest (NE,IA,KS)
Business owner, privacy advocate, armed freedom lover. β€œ..there's little value in insuring our nation's survival, if our traditions do not survive with it" JFK
Tweets to this user:
Sebastian Gorka DrG's avatar
From @SebGorka
Alice Thru The LookingGlass's avatar
From @cat_1012000
@SebGorka Im crying... that was great...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cat_1012000: will you pledge to be a servant to President Trump and all mankind? #MAGA
Libertarian-In-Chief's avatar
From @ToddHagopian
I'm not alone, friends. There are tons of true #conservative who will never, ever cast a vote for #DumpTrump #TCOT
Alice Thru The LookingGlass's avatar
From @cat_1012000
Well, then vote for a #WallStreet owned politician.. @ToddHagopian It has worked out so well for our country.. Mercer's Owns Cruz.
Jared Roberts's avatar
From @ShortGo
@cat_1012000 I wonder if @ToddHagopian supported Romney for 2012 Nominee?
Libertarian-In-Chief's avatar
From @ToddHagopian
@ShortGo @cat_1012000 I've voted for every GOP nominee since I was 18, but I won't vote for Trump
Jared Roberts's avatar
From @ShortGo
@ToddHagopian @cat_1012000 Who did you vote for in your States Primary/Caucus in 2012?
Libertarian-In-Chief's avatar
From @ToddHagopian
@ShortGo @cat_1012000 Huckabee in 2008, and Romney in 2012. Huck is closer to my views, wanted Romney for the economy
Jared Roberts's avatar
From @ShortGo
@ToddHagopian @cat_1012000 Well your idea that Conservatives won't vote for Trump, & you supporting Romney in 2012 Primary is pure irony.
Libertarian-In-Chief's avatar
From @ToddHagopian
@ShortGo @cat_1012000 all right, go ahead and judge. Trump is not even close to being as conservative as Romney.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @ToddHagopian Trump is not even close to being as conservative as Romney// Substitute "loser" for "conservative". #tcot #Trump2016 #GOP