Tweets to Seung Min Kim

Seung Min Kim's avatar
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Seung Min Kim
Washington, D.C.
White House reporter for @washingtonpost, covering Trump and the Hill. @CNN analyst, @politico alum. Avatar 📷 by @frankthorp. Email:
Tweets to this user:
MrWarrenJohnson's avatar
From @warren2650
@seungminkim @jdawsey1 Imagine the alternate reality you have to be in to accept the job of COS for Donald Trump at…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@warren2650: Trump is extremely vulnerable to his base for being pro-amnesty & all his hires (Mulvaney/Meadows/Pence/Short...) being pro-amnesty. @seungminkim won't try to undercut them to their base over that. You enable those who refuse to go after Trump where he's weakest.
Red Bird of Paradise's avatar
From @Yretciva
@seungminkim @jdawsey1 Yes, here we go:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Yretciva: MAGA-level conspiracy theories are great entertainment, but they won't undercut Trump to base (thereby making him do much better). Both Mulvaney & Meadows are big amnesty fans. Amnesty is a big no-no for MAGA. @seungminkim can't call them on it: she's on their side.
George Pepe's avatar
From @GeorgePepe5
@jdawsey1 @seungminkim Reward.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GeorgePepe5: name even one case of cutesy cartoons, GIFs, "me too!", pussy hats, etc etc ever doing anything other than helping Trump. #TheResistance isn't insane: they keep repeating the same thing, but they've never expected a result. Meadows is pro-amnesty; point it out.
Josh Dawsey's avatar
From @jdawsey1
Trump picks Mark Meadows as new White House chief of staff, making a big shake-up as re-election and coronavirus lo…
Cyndi Hayes's avatar
From @cyndilhayes
@jdawsey1 @seungminkim Mark my words, Mark Meadows cannot handle this job.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cyndilhayes: both Mulvaney & Mark Meadows are big amnesty fans. That's like if you discovered Liz Warren is pro-Koch. That makes Meadows & Trump extremely vulnerable to MAGA. Did @jdawsey1 point out Meadows is pro-amnesty to undercut Trump to his base? So, why you enable him?
Seung Min Kim's avatar
From @seungminkim
Mulvaney was given advance notice of the tweet, but did not learn until the president had already offered Meadows t…
Cheryl B's avatar
From @Cheryl707
@seungminkim @JonahDispatch @jdawsey1 I don't think there's anything unusual about making sure Meadows would take t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Cheryl707: Meadows is yet another pro-amnesty Trump hire. Both @seungminkim & @JonahDispatch are also pro-amnesty. You should thank them for never going after Trump where he's weakest. They aren't just fake news, they're fake opposition.
Seung Min Kim's avatar
From @seungminkim
“Trump was angry, raw, vindictive, aggrieved — reflecting the id of a president who has seethed for months with rag…
KK's avatar
From @kk718
@seungminkim @DavidNakamura In other words, he behaved like a toddler.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kk718: what's ironic is Trump *wants* those like @seungminkim to have meltdowns over his post-impeachment speech. He wants those like you to follow her lead & have meltdowns. If getting tricked into that isn't toddler behavior...
Rachael Bade's avatar
From @rachaelmbade
MUST READ: S'mores, skeet shooting and impeachment: Trump opens up Camp David as an "adult playground" to woo GOP l…
Black Plumes 1850's avatar
From @BlackPlumes1850
@rachaelmbade @lacunalingua @seungminkim @jdawsey1 Using Comic Sans is an act of violence.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump won because of people like you. You lack the patriotism to demand those who have access to Trump ask him tough *policy* questions. MT @BlackPlumes1850 [even more trivial, critiques the font on the Camp David sign!] MT @rachaelmbade [trivial blog about Camp David]
Josh Dawsey's avatar
From @jdawsey1
Even before Trump's speech, aides were tamping down expectation on immigration plan going anywhere. Both sides skep…
Matt Maggio's avatar
From @MaggioMatt
@jdawsey1 @DanEggenWPost @seungminkim @DavidNakamura Trump's sold out on immigration - as his proposed merit-based…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaggioMatt: there aren't "jobs Americans won't do" in any case. Trump has never sold out: as I've pointed out for years he's pro-amnesty. @jdawsey1 takes Trump's "wall" seriously, without calling Trump proxies on how future Congresses will just neglect/demolish it.
Felicia Sonmez's avatar
From @feliciasonmez
Trump eyes action against countries with high visa-overstay rates with @seungminkim
Sarah Dalton's avatar
From @monarchlady222
@feliciasonmez @seungminkim Punishing innocent people for the sins of others. He does a lot of that.
Kate Harper's avatar
From @GA_Star_Gazer
@feliciasonmez @seungminkim Is this the new “Mexico will pay for it”?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GA_Star_Gazer: Trump has an answer for "you said MX would pay for the wall!" It should be obvious to any smart movement when a talking point doesn't work, but years later #TheResistance keeps repeating the same failed talking points expecting a different result.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@monarchlady222: if Trump were sincere, his plan would be OK because he's playing the odds. MX overstay % is probably much greater than FR's. That said, the smart thing would be to challenge Trump proxies on how his plan will fail miserably. Name a leader who's doing that.
Josh Dawsey's avatar
From @jdawsey1
Extra energy! Trump groused to senators he could buy Puerto Rico several times for the aid he’d sent, that NATO was…
Jim Garrison II 🍌🌎🏭✈🚁🛵🏎🚀's avatar
From @JimGarrisonII
@jdawsey1 @seungminkim @pkcapitol And the GOP sits there as quiet as rats.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Think about it for a second. If @jdawsey1 were effective, would the GOP do that? Those like him are provably ineffective. They don't even have being effective as a goal. RT @JimGarrisonII And the GOP sits there as quiet as rats [despite WaPo on PR].
