Tweets to Scott P. Brown

Scott P. Brown's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Scott P. Brown
Rye, NH
Husband & fighter for U.S. values overseas in NZ &🇼🇸 Senator , 3x All-American triathlete, Ret. Col. MDARNG, JA, guitar player. follow @diplodogGracie
Tweets to this user:
DeplorableChris's avatar
From @conserva8
RT @IngrahamAngle: Law Enforcement: Obama's Amnesty Means Tidal Wave Of Illegal Immig Vote @SenScottBrown, @TomCotto…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@conserva8: Ingraham has no realistic action plan to stop amnesty. Plz urge her to back the only thing that will work. See my bio. #tcot
❌Gary Beasley❌'s avatar
From @theabundantgift
RT @IngrahamAngle: BOMBSHELL MEMO: @JeanneShaheen conspired w/ Lois Lerner Vote @SenScottBrown #nhsen
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@theabundantgift: do you remember 4 months ago I told you Feds would work around Murrieta? Now I need you to help stop amnesty. Will you?
Casey Humphries's avatar
From @TheHumpty
RT @IngrahamAngle: Law Enforcement: Obama's Amnesty Means Tidal Wave Of Illegal Immig Vote @SenScottBrown, @TomCotto…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TheHumpty: Ingraham has no action plan to stop amnesty AFAIK. Help her out and repeatedly urge her to back
Michele's avatar
From @US_Allegiance
RT @IngrahamAngle: BOMBSHELL MEMO: @JeanneShaheen conspired w/ Lois Lerner Vote @SenScottBrown #nhsen
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@US_Allegiance: that's important, but 99% of those who care about Lerner were already Brown voters. Help Laura out: urge her to use my plan
Laura Ingraham's avatar
From @IngrahamAngle
Law Enforcement: Obama's Amnesty Means Tidal Wave Of Illegal Immig Vote @SenScottBrown, @TomCottonAR & @Perduesenate
Jovan's avatar
From @Jovan333
@IngrahamAngle @SenScottBrown @TomCottonAR @Perduesenate @Maxinerunner And that's on top of the already illegals coming across our border!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Jovan333: Brown & Roberts woulda won already if r/w leaders had got behind It's not too late. Make that happen.
NH Democratic Party's avatar
From @NHDems
Serious question: Did @SenScottBrown @Walt4NH @MarilindaGarcia @frankguinta applaud cruel remarks too? → #nhpolitics
carolrobidoux's avatar
From @carolrobidoux
@NHDems @SenScottBrown @Walt4NH @MarilindaGarcia @frankguinta The bus was still parked outside when the remarks were made. Out of earshot.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@carolrobidoux: want a viral video and maybe lots of job offers? Ask Shaheen or Brown a very tough question:
Pat's avatar
From @grammy620
RT @BradThor: Wow! Absolutely awesome ad from @SenScottBrown: #nhsen #nhpolitics #ProAmerica
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@grammy620: best way to make Brown win is for @BradThor to find someone to ask Shaheen a question today: Ask him plz
Juliana Bergeron's avatar
From @juliana4ncw
RT @KThomasDC: .@SenScottBrown: "The only way we can change direction right now is by changing senators." @NHGOP
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@juliana4ncw: how'd you like to put Brown over the top? Ask Shaheen one of my very tough anti-amnesty questions on video & you'll do it.
Scott P. Brown's avatar
From @SenScottBrown
.@JeanneShaheen votes with Obama 99% of the time, that's not putting New Hampshire first. #nhpolitics
Rob Oeding's avatar
From @rbomem
@SenScottBrown @JoeDunn8 @JeanneShaheen that is not putting america first
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rbomem: Brown might lose. Only way to ensure victory is to discredit Shaheen on video using Demand Coulter does it.
J. Susan Billingsley's avatar
From @Navymom21
RT @MattyAlou50: @SenScottBrown don't know when the democrats became the party of haters, but you have them worried! Keep up the good work!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Navymom21: Brown needs something to put him over the top. Can you urge Coulter, Breitbart, etc. to make happen?
