Tweets to Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Scott Lucas
Oakland, CA
Deputy tech and business editor, @BuzzFeedNews.
Tweets to this user:
Scott Lucas's avatar
From @scottlucas
Following this @BuzzFeedNews story by @broderick, Twitter suspended the Zero Hedge account
0xBitcoin Moon's avatar
From @0xBitcoinMoon
@scottlucas @broderick @BuzzFeedNews Please bring back @zerohedge
Stvfrmphly's avatar
From @eastcoastghost3
@scottlucas @broderick @BuzzFeedNews Was the info publicy available?????
Max's avatar
From @Max_Mulvihill
@scottlucas @broderick @BuzzFeedNews This reporter is so full of it. @zerohedge is literally the only financial sitโ€ฆ
Max's avatar
From @Max_Mulvihill
@scottlucas @broderick @BuzzFeedNews @zerohedge @jack @vijaya @Timcast please highlight this story tomorrow.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@0xBitcoinMoon: the #ZeroHedge blog adds 2 + 2 + 2 & comes up with 70 billion. It's that type of speculation that make most ignore those like you. Better: oppose @scottlucas just for being very pro-censorship (& thus not a liberal). Did ZH actually "dox" the scientist?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If and only if it was fully public info, then: "Lucas isn't a real liberal; he supports censorship & real liberals oppose it. He also lies like Trump; it wasn't 'doxing'". RT @eastcoastghost3 [to @scottlucas cheering #ZeroHedge being banned] Was the info publicy available?????
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The fact you think that'd have any impact is part of why Twitter can so easily ban people. There are smart ways to oppose Twitter censorship but you'll never hear those from cons. MT @Max_Mulvihill @Timcast please highlight this story [ZeroHedge banned] tomorrow