Tweets to Sam Haselby

Sam Haselby's avatar
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Sam Haselby
NYC, or the Catskills
Sr. Editor @aeonmag; historian, wrote Origins of American Religious Nationalism (OUP); formerly- Harvard Society of Fellows, @AUB_Lebanon, @AUC, Wisconsinite
Tweets to this user:
Jason Stanley's avatar
From @jasonintrator
I have been tweeting and speaking constantly about the drastic situation in India. In so doing I faced a Hindu nati…
Sam Haselby's avatar
From @samhaselby
@jasonintrator The thing about the Hindutva troll army is that even after you block them they come back to life
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Totalitarian regimes have found out the similar throughout history. You can only so many before the Wall falls. (No offense to Honecker by comparing him to you). MT @samhaselby The thing about the Hindutva troll army is that even after you block them they come back to life