Tweets to Sarah Henesey

Sarah Henesey's avatar
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Sarah Henesey
Los Angeles
Aussie actress, TV show host, Kabbalah student, Libran happy person, dog lover. Love, love, love. All you need is love ❤️ oh & I made Steve Carell laugh
Tweets to this user:
Sarah Henesey's avatar
From @Sarahh_Henesey
RT @neeratanden: Please share with your friends in Alabama: 1 Doug Jones is a former prosecutor, not a child molester. So he's stronger on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Sarahh_Henesey: @neeratanden is with #AmProg, the dumbest "think tank" around. See the Roy Moore liberal conspiracy ad. More in #Alabama are going to believe that. She lacks the smarts to undercut such ads. #resist