Tweets to Russ Shilling

Russ Shilling's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Russ Shilling
Washington, DC
APA Chief Scientific Officer. Navy CAPT(ret), fmr DARPA PM. Obama Admin STEM lead. Dev'd pgrms with Sesame Street. Autism Dad. Tweets & muppet are mine alone!
Tweets to this user:
William Wan's avatar
From @thewanreport
To deal with mass shootings, White House considering idea to monitor mentally ill people’s phones. Leading experts…
Russ Shilling's avatar
From @Russ_Shilling
@thewanreport I wrote a longer reply separately. I ran a program similar to this at DARPA to look at PTSD. This co…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Russ_Shilling: Trump is great at helping MSM make fools of themselves, but his plans are very poorly designed. That aside, isn't mental health closer to the root cause than blaming everything on guns? Don't those like @thewanreport use guns as a crutch to avoid real issues?