Tweets to Madeline Peltz

Madeline Peltz's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Madeline Peltz
@mmfa (tweets are my own)
Tweets to this user:
Potomac Conservancy's avatar
From @TheNationsRiver
Thanks for adding our statement to this piece @peltzmadeline - correcting @TuckerCarlson's misinformation and bigot…
dominique6138's avatar
From @dominique6138
@TheNationsRiver @peltzmadeline @TuckerCarlson I am just here to watch TuckerCarlson get owned
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dominique6138: Tucker wasn't "owned", except to those who already disagreed with him. The @TheNationsRiver blog is mostly just Kumbaya & handwaving as devoid of stats as Tucker's claim. #TheResistance & #MAGA have the same difficulties.
Madeline Peltz's avatar
From @peltzmadeline
New from me: Fox News executives won't let Jeanine Pirro do high profile media appearances to promote her book beca…
Madeline Peltz's avatar
From @peltzmadeline
Last week in a hot mic moment Pirro admitted she was suspended from Fox in March and the brass weren't letting her…
Madeline Peltz's avatar
From @peltzmadeline
Then a caller brought up her suspension *again* and confronted her about her use of the white supremacist "great re…
Madeline Peltz's avatar
From @peltzmadeline
Teresa from Tennessee spoke to Pirro about her concern that “our white community” is being attacked by Democrats tr…
Madeline Peltz's avatar
From @peltzmadeline
Carol from Elgin, Texas told Pirro that “the president’s rhetoric, Fox News’ rhetoric, your rhetoric had helped to…
Blue Bee's avatar
From @Blue_Bee_pllntr
@peltzmadeline I love this caller! Thank you Mr. Carol from Texas!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Pirro's a lightweight, but Peltz is a full-on Honecker. She'd quash any sort of dissent & silence anyone who showed her wrong. Be a real liberal, not a book burner. MT @Blue_Bee_pllntr [yay!] MT @peltzmadeline [Judge Jeanine went on CSPAN & got callers who just smeared her]