Tweets to Richard N. Haass

Richard N. Haass's avatar
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Richard N. Haass
New York City
President, Council on Foreign Relations. Author, The World: A Brief Introduction ( Opinions my own; RTs/follows not endorsements.
Tweets to this user:
Hadley Gamble's avatar
From @_HadleyGamble
RT @RichardHaass: Finally, an adult speaks. Ex-SecDef Bob Gates calls on both parties to end shutdown, embrace comprehensive immigration r…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Haass & Trump both support a massive amnesty. Can you think of how the Trump/Haass amnesty would harm Third World? MT @_HadleyGamble MT @RichardHaass: Finally, an adult speaks. Ex-SecDef Bob Gates calls on both parties to end shutdown, embrace comprehensive immigration reform
Richard N. Haass's avatar
From @RichardHaass
Asking Sanders to leave may not have violated letter of 1964 Civil Rights Act (which bans denial of access to publi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Bring us together. Help convince his fans that Trump might as well be a CFR member. MT @RichardHaass [Red Hen restaurant asking] Sanders to leave may not have violated letter of 1964 Civil Rights Act...but it violated its spirit. It is also one more sign we are coming apart
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
#CFR hack @RichardHaass uses #Tsarnaev to argue *for* legalizing unknown number of terrorists. #immigration #tgdn #tcot #GOP #sgp #oo #OWS