Tweets to Optimist, long memory.

Optimist, long memory.'s avatar
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Optimist, long memory.
Nicer in person than here.
Information broker. Exposé finder.❤️ to race⛵️. CIA knew Trump was foreign agent in 90's!😳 Goal: Fix media. Restore Fairness Doctrine. Journalism beats media🌏
Tweets to this user:
Michael Edison Hayden's avatar
From @MichaelEHayden
.@Twitter again locked out @sandibachom. This time she posted a pic of Trump supporter and local swastika enthusi…
Optimist, long memory.'s avatar
From @Rockmedia
@MichaelEHayden @Twitter @sandibachom The weird part about getting locked out today, was I posted it over a month a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Rockmedia: if you think @MichaelEHayden 's group is credible, work your way through this. What sort of credible group would try to hide part of their data set? If a medical study ignored part of its data set until called on it, would it be credible?
Moe Davis's avatar
From @ColMorrisDavis
I was a bail bondsman, career military & Chief Pros. for terror trials, but my most dangerous job was umpire ... this home plate ump blows.
Optimist, long memory.'s avatar
From @Rockmedia
@ColMorrisDavis Wait. Back up a second! A bail bondsman?
(((Grace Lidia Suárez)))'s avatar
From @gracels
@Rockmedia @ColMorrisDavis I knew a lot of fine bondsmen. They cashed my checks (before ATMs).
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gracels: FYI, @ColMorrisDavis not only "doxed" someone, she wasn't involved. He never apologized. As a lawyer, do you support dishonor?
(((Grace Lidia Suárez)))'s avatar
From @gracels
@24AheadDotCom_ @ColMorrisDavis Of course not, however, I insist on evidence. I noticed you provided no link.