Tweets to Conservative Voter KAG Text FIGHT to 88022

Conservative Voter KAG Text FIGHT to 88022's avatar
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Conservative Voter KAG Text FIGHT to 88022
Supporter of #BlueLivesMatter Fisherman Patriot I do not believe in the #ClimateChangeHoax Pro Life anti Liberal idiocy supporter of #1A not a BOT
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Ariane de Vogue's avatar
From @Arianedevogue
5-4 Supreme Court grants the government's request to allow the so called "public charge rule"-- that makes it more…
Conservative Voter KAG Text FIGHT to 88022's avatar
From @rm2014rick
@Arianedevogue #Winning
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rm2014rick: actually, no. Trump's non-poor immigration means more carpetbaggers like Saverin. Trump's metric is money, not whether someone would be a good citizen. It's an un-American Silicon Valley/Koch-style scam. Just because @Arianedevogue opposes it doesn't make it good.
Conservative Voter KAG Text FIGHT to 88022's avatar
From @rm2014rick
@24AheadDotCom_ @Arianedevogue How much money do you make? How many hours a week do you work to get your paycheck?…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rm2014rick: was Saverin (look up how he left) a patriotic American? Do we want more immigrants like him, or do we want patriotic immigrants?