Tweets to Rep. Don Beyer

Rep. Don Beyer's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rep. Don Beyer
Northern Virginia & DC
Represent Northern Virginia’s #VA8 in Congress. Vice Chair @JECDems, serve @WaysMeansCmte @HouseScience. Co-Chair @CaucusOnClimate. #StopGunViolence #EqualPay
Tweets to this user:
Rep. Don Beyer's avatar
From @RepDonBeyer
A whistleblower told House investigators that Senior White House Official 1 - now identified as Jared Kushner - was…
Suzanne Lindbergh's avatar
From @suzannebuzz
@RepDonBeyer Runs in the Kushner family, doesn’t it... ? What were they thinking ? Having this huge magnifying glas…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@suzannebuzz: let's assume Trump/Kushner/etc are even worse than you & @RepDonBeyer combined think they are. Why haven't those like Beyer ever devised smart plans to undercut Trump to his base? There are such plans but obviously whatever #TheResistance is doing doesn't work.
Luna Lovegood's avatar
From @LunaLuvgood2017
RT @FrankLeePlain: @RepDonBeyer Any legislation that causes Americans to lose healthcare coverage is immoral. People without insurance or…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LunaLuvgood2017 @FrankLeePlain: @RepDonBeyer is willing to collude with Trump on #immigration. Use that to primary him unless he backs off.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@repdonbeyer: I can't find specifics on Hernick's site: What's he hiding?