Tweets to Rebecca Lavoie

Rebecca Lavoie's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rebecca Lavoie
New Hampshire
@NHPR newsroom digital director, author, podcaster @CrimeWritersOn & @hgtvpodcast & @lawandorderpod & @Slate. Helped a little w @bearbrookpod. Tweets are mine.
Tweets to this user:
Rebecca Lavoie's avatar
From @reblavoie
RT @mikiebarb: Powerful passage from @karaswisher on Twitter’s now official hands-off policy in dealing with serial liars and harassers. ht…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If we could silence liars you'd be SOL. By harassers you mean those who show people like you wrong & dissenters. Go burn some books. MT @reblavoie MT @mikiebarb: Powerful passage from karaswisher on Twitter’s now official hands-off policy in dealing w serial liars and harassers