Tweets to Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Donald J. Trump
Washington, DC
45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealDonaldTrump: get Mike Pence drunk (tell him it's Jesus Juice or something) then get a pic of him with a stripper to get leverage. Then, resign & make him pardon you. Then, run for reelection, free of any guilt whatsoever! #MAGA!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's avatar
From @Ocasio2018
Memo to humanity that NOT ONE DIME should go towards funding the human rights abuses of this administration.…
PoliticalAnt🐜(a.k.a. @JazzLuvnAnt🎷)🔥's avatar
From @PoliticalAnt
@Ocasio2018 .@realDonaldTrump is a monster for traumatizing immigrant kids by wholesale separating them from their…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PoliticalAnt: you didn't answer my questions. There are about 2500 doctors for all of Haiti. If 100+ of them move to USA as #Ocasio2018 wants, how many doctors are left in Haiti, and what impact does that have on Haitians?
BP 🍎's avatar
From @PeckPolitics
What's that, @realDonaldTrump? I couldn't hear you over the stampede of illegal aliens pouring over our border beca…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PeckPolitics: @AnnCoulter thinks Trump's "wall" would be forever when Congress would neglect or tear down whatever Trump builds as soon as he's out of office. Really think about that: she & Trump can't figure out what Congress would do when Trump's out of office.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealDonaldTrump: I have a question about our emergency preparedness. Is the USA adequately prepared for some real football? #MLSCup #MAGA #resist
infowars Holland's avatar
From @wimvisscher777
@realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @KayaJones @Klein2Eric @PrisonPlanet
JamieR {🎗} Army Girl ⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @Jamierodr10
@wimvisscher777 @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @KayaJones @Klein2Eric @PrisonPlanet I’m so sorry Wim! Censorship is awful!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Jamierodr10: @wimvisscher777 & the rest only oppose censorship of those they agree with. That doesn't count. It helps the censors by shrinking their opposition. And, Wim knows he's *helping* Twitter etc. with their censorship:
Janie Johnson's avatar
From @jjauthor
Just think if @Potus @realDonaldTrump abandoned twitter and only gabbed? Like @foxnews did??? @glennbeck
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
20% of Twitter users are USA, at most 30% of them are #MAGA. Most would stay. Twitter would lose 2% to 3% of their users (the most annoying ones). It's OK you didn't know that. It's not OK if you persist. MT @jjauthor Just think if Trump abandoned twitter and only gabbed?
❌Peter#nowhiteflag's avatar
From @armandlaurin48
RT @bloggingcaesar: To stop the censorship, we need a mass exodus to some other medium by throngs of big name tweeps (like @realDonaldTrump…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#MAGA is under 6% of Twitter & they'd be glad to see you go. Maybe it's time to oppose censorship for real. MT @armandlaurin48 MT @bloggingcaesar: To stop the censorship, we need a mass exodus to some other medium by throngs of big name tweeps (like @realDonaldTrump
From @Go_USC_Gamecock
RT @lucky348: Why is Justin Trudeau #twatwaffle , giving our money to fake news ! @fordnation @realDonaldTrump @mitchellvii @smfehir @Priso…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Because, like your Leader, you only know to call him names & can't show him wrong to his base or at least help those who can? #HTH MT @Go_USC_Gamecock MT @lucky348: Why is Justin Trudeau #twatwaffle , giving our money to fake news !
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
Incredible to be with our GREAT HEROES today in California. We will always be with you!
Good Grief!'s avatar
From @natespuewell
@realDonaldTrump Only you can prevent forest fires. You and your rake. Trump lost the leadership label when he fa…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@natespuewell: Finland prez might have explained to Trump the Fixteri machine (look it up) in a way he can understand. If Fox/Breitbart/etc hilite that machine they'll make #TheResistance look like ignorant snarking kids yet again. Study my feed for how to prevent that.
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
It was my great honor to host a @WhiteHouse Conference on Supporting Veterans & Military Families... To everyone h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@realDonaldTrump: some gave all, you couldn't even stand in the rain.
