Tweets to Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Donald J. Trump
Washington, DC
45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸
Tweets to this user:
Michael Medved's avatar
From @MedvedSHOW
Ouch! @realDonaldTrump just said that "Robert Mueller did a horrible job, both today and with his investigation." W…
mikeCroatfball's avatar
From @MikeNen
@MedvedSHOW @realDonaldTrump Michael dont play stupid. Mueller did a horrible job. He claims to have been unfamili…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MikeNen: on an unrelated note but helpful to understand @MedvedSHOW 's ability to think or not, in 2014 - with the #USMNT in the World Cup - he smeared soccer, while presenting kneeball as an example of American exceptionalism.
Katie Hopkins's avatar
From @KTHopkins
The @realDonaldTrump has made #2020 a bold and binary decision. Are you going to choose socialists, choose ISIS, c…
Redstate Man's avatar
From @RedstateMan1
@KTHopkins @realDonaldTrump God bless you Katie. Please come to America when Britain gets too crazy
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RedstateMan1: can we have some socialism without the ISIS, or do those two go together as @KTHopkins claims? Also, when will Trump make smart anti-amnesty arguments that turn part of the Dem base against their leaders, instead of making things easier for those leaders?
Rob Crilly's avatar
From @robcrilly
Worth remembering that @piersmorgan is one of the 45 Twitter accounts followed by @realDonaldTrump
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What's he done for us? Did he urge Trump to hire competent people for things like Maria? Has he urged Trump to make smart arguments that'd undercut Dem leaders to their base over immigration? MT @robcrilly @piersmorgan is one of the 45 Twitter accounts followed by Trump
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
In an exclusive @CNN interview, ⁦@KamalaHarris⁩ says on ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ tweet, that she is personally offended a…
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
On #MedicareForAll, @KamalaHarris says of her plan, it’s very similar to @BernieSanders, except that she is not in…
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
“I’m not prepared to engage in a middle class tax hike,” says @KamalaHarris to pay for #MedicareForAll.
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
150 million Americans are covered under private insurance. @KamalaHarris says the transition to #Medicare4All will be seamless
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
“Status quo is not enough. We have to be open to challenging the status quo,” says @KamalaHarris on #Medicare4All.…
Kyung Lah's avatar
From @KyungLahCNN
.@KamalaHarris on @JoeBiden charge that #Medicare4All gets rid of Obamacare is not accurate. She sees it as it’s mo…
Chris D. Jackson's avatar
From @ChrisDJackson
@KyungLahCNN @ArletteSaenz @KamalaHarris @JoeBiden She is wrong and is clueless in health care. Basically all she h…
⚡️Rabble Rooster⚡️'s avatar
From @RabbleRooster
@KyungLahCNN @KamalaHarris @BernieSanders Love watching these candidates trip all over themselves to emulate Bernie…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ChrisDJackson: don't expect @KyungLahCNN to call Kamala on that, look at her big "interview". She asked the same questions a 4th grader would ask for her school newspaper, got the canned speeches everyone could expect, & never called Kamala on anything.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RabbleRooster: of all the CNN hosts I've seen ask questions, the only one who's actually challenged someone slightly for a second is... Ana Cabrera. So, don't expect @KyungLahCNN to call Kamala on anything. Kamala could have written the questions Kyung asked.
Tom Steyer's avatar
From @TomSteyer
I stood with @RepAlGreen when he introduced articles of impeachment against @realdonaldtrump in 2017, and I stand w…
Gearóid Ó Dubhedír's avatar
From @GearoidODU
@TomSteyer @RepAlGreen @realDonaldTrump I hope your candidacy for the presidency will involve you investing cash fr…
runzwithknives's avatar
From @runzwithknives
@GearoidODU @TomSteyer @RepAlGreen @realDonaldTrump It's better spent backing other Dems and withdrawing. We alread…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@runzwithknives: @TomSteyer is obviously not that bright. He's spent years trying to silence 10s of millions of people rather than doing the incredibly obvious & smart thing: make smart arguments that undercut Trump to his base.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He's apparently referring to AOC and others who were all or almost all born in the USA. #MAGA? #resist MT @RealDonaldTrump ...Why don’t they ["“Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen"] go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came...
David Stegall's avatar
From @thatstegallguy
@debragarrett @usminority @realDonaldTrump and the @GOP did NOTHING about the border when they held the House, Sena…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thatstegallguy: Trump has been railing about border issues for 4+ years; it's one of the first things he said when he announced. The same people feeding you that talking point have never been able to show Trump's policies wrong/ineffective.
Brandon Straka's avatar
From @usminority
“In January of 2017, I bitterly proclaimed on social media that I would never be able to understand how anybody cou…
Debra Garrett's avatar
From @debragarrett
@usminority I love President Trump!! #Trump2020Landslide
Alison Miller's avatar
From @AlisonM49811465
@debragarrett @realDonaldTrump @usminority Some women love womanizers. ‍️ Zero respect for any man who cheats on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AlisonM49811465: I don't know if you're a real person or not, but it should be obvious by now that how those like you do things does not work. There are smart ways to undercut Trump. List the smartest plans your leaders have so far presented:
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
More and more the Radical Left is using Commerce to hurt their “Enemy.” They put out the name of a store, brand or…
Rich Primo Castaldo ‎🇺🇸's avatar
From @RNCastaldo
@realDonaldTrump Stay strong @realDonaldTrump the people are with you!
CC's avatar
From @ChatByCC
@realDonaldTrump Liberal Followers=lemmings. Lemmings are cheap with their money. Liberals want everything for free.
Niki's avatar
From @NikiHandy
@ChatByCC @realDonaldTrump I think what you meant were liberals are generous with their money. Conservatives are selfish.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @realDonaldTrump the Radical Left [increasingly uses] Commerce to hurt their “Enemy.” They put out the name of [store/brand/company], & ask their so-called followers not to do business there. They don’t care who gets hurt, but also don’t understand that two can play that game!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RNCastaldo: Trump wants supposed conservatives to act just like the "Radical Left". Not only is acting like the far-left a bad thing, it's a losing thing: cons simply don't have the smarts/sanity/dedication that the far-left does. Disagree? Name the successful r/w boycotts.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NikiHandy: Trump is giving those like @ChatByCC very bad advice & hurting the U.S. Instead of opposing SJW outrage mobs, he wants MAGA outrage mobs. Except, his fans obviously fail at it. Trump is offering no alternative for most Americans who oppose outrage mobs.
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
Strong jobs report, low inflation, and other countries around the world doing anything possible to take advantage o…
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
....As well as we are doing from the day after the great Election, when the Market shot right up, it could have bee…
Dave Hogg's avatar
From @stareagle
@realDonaldTrump "massive additional wealth would have been created, & used very well." How would you know that? Y…
sc's avatar
From @ConnersSandy
@realDonaldTrump The popular President that did it all without scandal, investigations and collusion. Thanks to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thanks for illustrating for us why #TheResistance has never actually done anything. Your argument-of-a-sort wouldn't change anyone's mind. MT @stareagle [to Trump re his comments on the Fed] you were handed a massive fortune and couldn't stay out of bankruptcy court
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ConnersSandy replies to Trump's tweet (ostensibly against the Fed) with a generic hyping of Obama. Trump's horrific & in the pocket of Big Biz, but Obama took being in the pocket of Big Biz & Big Banks to the next level. #PresidentGoldmanSachs
