Tweets to Kismet{Unreal Bride}

Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Kismet{Unreal Bride}
I take photographs.Old handle was @unrealbride
Tweets to this user:
Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
From @KisJayEnn
@strobist I like your new photo! You look different!
Hand Washer Hobby's avatar
From @strobist
@KisJayEnn Thank you Kismet!
Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
From @KisJayEnn
@strobist you're most welcome. Also I totally meant NICELY different but you got that, I hope!
Hand Washer Hobby's avatar
From @strobist
@KisJayEnn Also: yours is wonderful. Was that made for you or just a neat coincidence?
Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
From @KisJayEnn
@strobist Found on @society6 - a happy coincidence I like to think. A print of it hangs in my office as well :)
Hand Washer Hobby's avatar
From @strobist
@KisJayEnn She is kinda, well, you.
Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
From @KisJayEnn
@strobist I DO relate to her so! :D
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@KisJayEnn: see my chat with @strobist. He just isn't smart enough to answer my questions. #immigration #photography #tcot #ows #uniteblue
Hand Washer Hobby's avatar
From @strobist
@24AheadDotCom Wow, really proving me wrong there Mr. Anti-Immigrant hash tagging political extremist. *poof* Bye bye.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@strobist: you aren't smart enough to answer my questions or to defend your ideas. But at least I'm laughing at you. #photography #tcot #p2
Kismet{Unreal Bride}'s avatar
From @KisJayEnn
I'm not really interested in the questions you ask @24AheadDotCom &the @strobist has always answered any questions I've ever goodbye!