Tweets to Pyur Energy

Pyur Energy's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Pyur Energy
Phoenix, AZ
Totally Enlightened Soul (Civil-Libertarian/Taoist ;-) Be Responsible, Seek & Revere The Truth, Identify & Balance Opposites to Succeed & Enjoy Your Life !
Tweets to this user:
Tom Steyer's avatar
From @TomSteyer
When someone does something wrong, you have to stand up to them. Even if that person is the president. No one is abโ€ฆ
Pyur Energy's avatar
From @PyurEnergy
@TomSteyer Especially if it's the @POTUS who is OUR employee ;-)
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Nothing Steyer has ever said or done in the last 4+ years has had even the slightest impact on Trump. He refuses to hold Trump accountable by helping get his proxies asked tough policy questions. MT @PyurEnergy MT @TomSteyer [we have to stand up to Trump, he's not above the law]