Tweets to Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Steve Cohen
Memphis, TN and Washington, DC
CongressTN09 Memphis;Judiciary&Transportation;Civil Rights&Liberties;Impeach45; Women&Minority Issues;Med. Research;Animal Welfare;Father of TN Ed. Lottery; Dem
Tweets to this user:
Jim Puritan Justice Maddox's avatar
From @jimlibertarian
RT @DoctorSekzi: @AppSame @ElectBergmann @RepCohen Here's help: Rep Cohen blocking Twitter users from his @RepCohen account because he d…
Steve Cohen's avatar
From @RepCohen
Watched USA-Russia #Olympics hockey game this morning. I cheered for . Wonder who @realDonaldTrump cheered for? O…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Nice posturing, but you're both whores who'd sell out the USA in seconds if you got a better offer. Both of you support an anti-American amnesty. #MAGA #resist MT @RepCohen Watched USA-Russia #Olympics hockey game this morning. I cheered for USA. Wonder who Trump cheered for?