Tweets to New England Patriots

New England Patriots's avatar
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New England Patriots
Official Twitter of the 6-time champion New England Patriots #GoPats
Tweets to this user:
NFL's avatar
From @NFL
Here come the @Patriots. @SweetFeet_White out to the 31-yard line. #GoPats #NFLPlayoffs : #TENvsNE on CBS : NFL…
Brett Knutsen's avatar
From @knutsen_brett
@NFL @Patriots @SweetFeet_White Now post Edelman’s drop
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@knutsen_brett: reason #40310912 @NFL & kneeball in general are a joke: in real football (soccer), baseball, hockey, & basketball, you can't just run the clock out without playing.
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
"I think I'm breaking every @FCC rule in the book." Consider this a blanket amnesty for any and all actions taken…
Mike Vogts's avatar
From @mvogts
@AjitPaiFCC @mellinger @FCC @Chiefs @Chargers @MiamiDolphins @Patriots @Kevinharlan Now just give us Net Neutrality back and we'll be good.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mvogts: @AjitPaiFCC won Net Neutrality because people like you enabled dim grifter leaders who - as reality shows - failed at their job. Realize that, stop enabling them, & demand they find smart people who can challenge Pai to his face on video using Socratic questions.
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
Love them or hate them, the @Patriots success we’ve witnessed for almost two decades — in the most brutal professio…
Dean Clark's avatar
From @earldean71
@AjitPaiFCC @Patriots Satan is a powerful being, Commish.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@earldean71: what do you expect your content-free, childish chiding of @AjitPaiFCC to accomplish? Did you even get that far? He & Trump have succeeded precisely because of those like you & your leaders who encourage childish rather than smart things.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Patriots call out @NYTSports for deceptive photo: #NYTimes #NYT #MAGA #resist