Tweets to Bill ⭐⭐⭐ μολὼν λαβέ

Bill ⭐⭐⭐ μολὼν λαβέ's avatar
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Bill ⭐⭐⭐ μολὼν λαβέ
Volusia County, Florida
@USArmy Vet for minimal government and taxes, strong defense, and free market. The first 10 amendments are set in stone. 6th Gen Floridian #GoGators
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Patriot1059: making opposing illegal #immigration just a conservative / #teaparty thing is big mistake: it needs a broad opposition.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Patriot1059: ...opposing corruption isn't a wise idea. Illegal #immigration is an example of massive corruption. (contd)
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Patriot1059: only 8% admit mbrship in #Teaparty, but I'd guess 90% would say they oppose corruption. Tying unpopular ideas to (contd)
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Patriot1059: how many more Americans oppose corruption than support extremist #Teaparty economic ideas? #immigration #tcot #tlot #GOP #ows
Bill ⭐⭐⭐ μολὼν λαβέ's avatar
From @Patriot1059
.@24AheadDotCom why don't you tell me...