Tweets to Doriano Carta

Doriano Carta's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Doriano Carta
Atlanta, GA
Writer, Producer, Inventor, Investor & Entrepreneur. Co-Founder: @Applanta & @SafeCROWD Owner: @Dad_O_Matic Writer: @Mashable @GigaOm & more.
Tweets to this user:
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Deported EIGHT TIMES already ...
Doriano Carta's avatar
From @Paisano
@AnnCoulter @ColumbiaBugle Maybe we need a 9-strike rule?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Paisano: imagine if 1/3 of the Dem base was vociferously against illegal immigration like they're against child labor. Would Pelosi & Shumer keep pushing amnesty? Please list all the things @AnnCoulter & Trump have done to make that happen. Here, have some space:
Ali's avatar
From @ali
This is a federal crime btw Internet billionaire Reid Hoffman apologizes for funding a group tied to disinformatio…
Doriano Carta's avatar
From @Paisano
@ali @LibertarianBlue but muh apology bruh?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Paisano: 2 years ago I described my plan to undercut Twitter censorship. In the last 2 years, has Twitter kept censoring millions of people? In the last 2 years, what plan to stop them have you pursued that's better than my plan?
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
Patreon has lost @SamHarrisOrg, one of the top 15 accounts in number of subscribers. What did they expect? There's…
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
The problem isn't just Patreon -- it's also payment processors (PayPal, Stripe), credit card companies (Visa, Maste…
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a liberal organization, has been concerned about the situation since at least 2…
themightypuck's avatar
From @themightypuck
@LibertarianBlue Hopefully the EFF doesn't go the way of the ACLU.
Doriano Carta's avatar
From @Paisano
@themightypuck @LibertarianBlue and the ADL, SPLC, etc.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Paisano: the real data at my top tweet would put Twitter in a world of hurt. @LibertarianBlue knows about it but refuses to use against them. He lies, falsely pretending Twitter only censors cons. That helps Twitter because few care about cons. ADL/SPLC are similar.
Doriano Carta's avatar
From @Paisano
Joined since @twitter believes in censorship.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Paisano: my plan to fight #Twitter censorship is to get ACLU to speak out. Either they make SPLC look bad, or themselves look bad. You in?