Tweets to On Assignment with Richard Engel

On Assignment with Richard Engel's avatar
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On Assignment with Richard Engel
@RichardEngel doesn't just get the story, he goes to the center of it. @MSNBC Special Series -- reported from around the world.
Tweets to this user:
Paul  Miller ♿'s avatar
From @PaulMiller1313
@OARichardEngel @MSNBC @RichardEngel That's scary.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PaulMiller1313: Putin wants to show that the U.S. Constitution doesn't work. He wants to make us less free, show that the people need to be controlled. Those like @RichardEngel might as well take Putin's money: by pushing censorship they help Putin's goals.
On Assignment with Richard Engel's avatar
From @OARichardEngel
Exclusive: Associates of Yevgeny Prigozhin were discussing new ways to exploit racial tensions in America just last…
Amber's avatar
From @AmberRajen
@OARichardEngel @RichardEngel and Russians seems to be succeeding.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AmberRajen: Putin is doing quite well: he hyped Trump, his hyping undercut Trump, he's sowed discord & mistrust, & those like @OARichardEngel are doing his bidding. Putin wants to show that the U.S. system doesn't work. Pushing censorship as those like Engel do helps his goal.