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✨ d o d a i ✨'s avatar
From @dodaistewart
RT @cliffordlevy: Powerful op-ed by @nytimes publisher A.G. Sulzberger on the “growing threat to journalism around the world.” He reveals t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What a hilarious pair of hacks you are. MT @dodaistewart [of the NYT] MT @cliffordlevy [of the NYT]: Powerful op-ed by nytimes publisher A.G. Sulzberger [of the NYT]
Arthur C. Schaper's avatar
From @ArthurCSchaper
This is a @nytimes reporter. Racist much?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Why are you enabling MMFA-style tactics, Art? Dumpster diving is bad no matter who does it. You're admitting that you can't show opponents wrong on their ideas but have to get trash all over you. MT @ArthurCSchaper [tweet to @jazzedloon]
Jerome Taylor's avatar
From @JeromeTaylor
Not the first news outlet to report this data, but this @nytimes piece is the best at illustrating how China used f…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MSM wants to box out competition; wealthy want to stifle debate. You're helping. I'll explain it to your fan. MT @JeromeTaylor [NYT has a super neato chart on] China used fairly blunt force tools to try and swing public opinion via Twitter on the #HongKongProtests
Ronan Farrow's avatar
From @RonanFarrow
Two @nytimes reporters, @rpogrebin and @katekelly, spent months independently reporting out Deborah Ramirez’s alleg…
Denise Wu's avatar
From @denisewu
@RonanFarrow @nytimes @rpogrebin @katekelly Barr is about to give Kavanaugh an award next week. GOP just don’t care
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@denisewu: as reality shows, it's not just GOP that doesn't care about all these #TheResistance scandals, it's most Americans. There are smart ways @RonanFarrow could have undercut Trump to his base, but he's only about getting on TV to sell his books.
Marc Lacey's avatar
From @marclacey
I've been asked to represent The New York Times in the next Democratic presidential debate (w CNN) but I won't be a…
JES's avatar
From @1liners
@marclacey @brianstelter Instead of "gotcha" type questions, please ask questions about policy details.
Joe Kriesberg's avatar
From @JKriesberg
@marclacey @nytimes Please ask about housing policy. Please. Just one little question about the factor that has t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JKriesberg: if @marclacey - an NYT stooge - asks about housing, it'll just result in a rehash of what's on the candidates websites. Based on the 1000s of prior examples, do you admit that? OK. Now, do what you're paid to do & disintermediate fluffers like Lacey. (cont'd)
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JKriesberg: you're "President of Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations" & you're paid to do a job. Now, do it: develop tough, yes/no questions about housing policy & go ask the candidates the questions at NH townhalls. On video for Youtube. No excuses.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He won't, they never do. Help my campaign to really press pols on tough policy questions on video for Youtube. That'll hold pols accountable & make those like Lacey look bad. MT @1liners [to @marclacey] Instead of "gotcha" type questions, plz ask questions about policy details
Jamil Smith's avatar
From @JamilSmith
This @jwpetersNYT retrospective on the Tea Party’s “summer of rage” ten years ago makes not a single, solitary refe…
Jamil Smith's avatar
From @JamilSmith
The @nytimes added the Tea Party’s racism to this report, but the sentence—and it’s only one—is rubbish. Rather tha…
Wagatwe Wanjuki 🇰🇪 🇧🇸's avatar
From @wagatwe
@JamilSmith @nytimes Yikes. And I see the author is working on a book re: Trump? How can one do that if they miss t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
When was Teaparty founded? Find that out, then decide if you can trust Smith. Were their loudest opponents challenging them on contradictions in their support for free market capitalism, or just playing cards? MT @wagatwe [cheers @JamilSmith playing race card on Teaparty]
The New York Times's avatar
From @nytimes
“Justice demands that those who acted with him also be held accountable.” The women who accused Jeffrey Epstein, th…
Senator Corbin's avatar
From @SenatorCorbin
@nytimes Ask the Clintons.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SenatorCorbin: indeed, the NYT sounds just like InfoWars. Point that out to their fans.
Jason DeParle's avatar
From @JasonDeParle
Today for the @nytimes, I explain what an immigrant child in Texas taught me about Rosa Parks. She's part of a fami…
Anthony Maida's avatar
From @AnthonyJMaida
@JasonDeParle @nytimes This was a great read.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnthonyJMaida: follow the money & think things through. @JasonDeParle is paid to push Slim's agenda; if he ever did anything that cost Slim money he'd be out of a job. Trump's horrific, but DeParle is pushing a very pro-Big Biz agenda. Be a real liberal.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
Don't understand why @WashingtonPost and @nytimes aren't reporting details about Dayton shooter that are on…
Tish Durkin's avatar
From @tishdurkin
@kausmickey @washingtonpost @nytimes Why does it matter? That guy had enough legally obtained firepower to kill nin…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tishdurkin: [@kausmickey does the usual Hannity shtick with "don't understand why [MSM] won't report details on] Dayton shooter"]: If Kaus were smart he could get MSM to cover it. It wouldn't be difficult to get them to do it, but he simply doesn't have the smarts or [other].
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
So, here it is. If you follow me on here, if you know me in real life, then you know I'm obsessed with the year 161…
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
@NYTmag What began as an idea to devote an entire issue of @NYTmag to commemorating this tragic 400th anniversary e…
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
@NYTmag @nytimes On Aug. 18th, @nytimes and @NYTmag will publish an entire issue of the magazine, an entire special…
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
@NYTmag @nytimes We are calling it the #1619Project, and it will include works from some of the most laureled write…
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
@NYTmag @nytimes @jesmimi @Wesley_Morris @JackieWoodson @KieseLaymon @Rita_Dove5B @TyehimbaJess @eveewing…
Ida Bae Wells's avatar
From @nhannahjones
On Aug. 13, @NYTmag is holding a launch event to preview the project and to commemorate the 400th anniversary of ev…
Maureen Redig's avatar
From @MaureenRedig
@nhannahjones @NYTmag Amazing! I cannot wait to see this groundbreaking issue/event- and the discussion that will…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If @nhannahjones had her way it would be. MT @MaureenRedig [about #project1619, a racist NYTMag attempt to take power from whites] Amazing! I cannot wait to see this groundbreaking issue/event- and the discussion that will follow. I wish it could be required reading
