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🇺🇸's avatar
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“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil” --Dietrich Bonhoeffer ๑1John2:15-17๑
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Dave K.'s avatar
From @TX_1
@NytFury Feds to Advertise in MX, DOJ Settlement Allowing Self Deported Illegals aliens to Return ComDem Insanity!
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
Crazy! "@TX_1: @NytFury Feds to Advertise in MX, DOJ Settlement Allowing Self Deported Illegals aliens to Return"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NytFury: Breitbart post is misleading. Those aren't self-deportees, they were caught & agreed to be voluntary deported. #immigration #tcot
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
I think you're focusing on the least important part of that Breitbart article. @24AheadDotCom_
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NytFury: the most important thing on #immigration is to get things right, lest amnesty fans use it against you. #tcot #teaparty #tgdn
MarieTweets 🇺🇸's avatar
From @mkues65
RT @NytFury: Try removing ur hatred towards O'Keefe & place it where its deserved: govt fraud. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
MarieTweets 🇺🇸's avatar
From @mkues65
RT @NytFury: Really? So what about Carlos Slim, billionaire, who profits from every obamaphone given away? @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
regina m thomas's avatar
From @ginapaints
RT @NytFury: Those "stunts" exposed govt fraud, waste & abuse multiple times. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
Joe Covey's avatar
From @Joe_Covey
RT @NytFury: Those "stunts" exposed govt fraud, waste & abuse multiple times. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
I'm HarveyHolroyd and You're NOT OK.'s avatar
From @JewishOdysseus
RT @NytFury: Those "stunts" exposed govt fraud, waste & abuse multiple times. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@NytFury: I expose lies. @JamesOKeefeIII is just a college #GOP kid helping the wealthy further screw the poor. #tcot #tgdn #ows #occupy
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
Exposing ACORN, NPR, Lifeline, etc screwed the poor? Apparently the govt was doing that... @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@NytFury: @JamesOKeefeIII etc. etc. are great at stunts, but fail at making arguments. Not something to support. #tcot #gop #sgp #ows #oo
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
Those "stunts" exposed govt fraud, waste & abuse multiple times. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@NytFury: @JamesOKeefeIII etc. etc. aren't really "conservatives". They'd gladly concede culture to far-left to get $ for backers. #tcot
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
Not about conserv or not, its about exposing the lies. A wrong is a wrong. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@NytFury: I say @JamesOKeefeIII works to help the wealthy at poors' expense, you say otherwise. I give up persuading you. #tcot #tgdn #ows
🇺🇸's avatar
From @NytFury
He seeks to expose wrong as wrong. What people take from it is up to them. Bottom line is a wrong is a wrong. @24AheadDotCom @JamesOKeefeIII
